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Subject:Weekend Surf'n Go Sports
Date:Fri, 22 Feb 2002 22:48:12 -0800 (PST)

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ails Ticketmaster ticketmaster Try booking your event reservations at Tic=
ketmaster.com. Its fast and easy. A Ticketmaster link under an event on =
the right indicates that a special price has been set for America West Surf=
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Weekend Surf'n Go Sports FaresTravel Dates: March 2-5, 2002 Support you=
r favorite team on the road or attend a great cultural event out of town ne=
xt weekend with Surf'n Go Sports. These specials are for events between 3/=
2 - 3/4/02. Professional Basketball [IMAGE] Event Departure CityDestinati=
on CityFares Chicago at New Jersey Chicago, IL (ORD)Newark, NJ$148 Houston =
at Los Angeles Houston, TX (IAH)Los Angeles Area*$188 Houston at Phoenix Ho=
uston, TX (IAH)Phoenix, AZ$168 Indiana at Sacramento Indianapolis, INSacram=
ento, CA$198 Philadelphia at Toronto Philadelphia, PAToronto, ON$148 Portla=
nd at Milwaukee Portland, ORMilwaukee, WI$228 Professional Baseball [IM=
AGE] Event Departure CityDestination CityFares Los Angeles vs. Los Angeles=
, CAFort Lauderdale, FL$178 New York Los Angeles, CAMiami, FL$178 Orange/=
Santa Ana, CAFort Lauderdale, FL$178 Orange/Santa Ana, CAMiami, FL$178 Mi=
lwaukee vs. Colorado Colorado Springs, COTucson, AZ$168 Oakland vs. Anaheim=
Los Angeles Area*Phoenix, AZ$78 San Diego vs. Seattle San Diego, CAPhoenix=
, AZ$78 Seattle, WAPhoenix, AZ$198 National Hockey League [IMAGE] Eve=
nt Departure CityDestination CityFares Anaheim at Chicago Los Angeles Area*=
Chicago, IL (ORD)$188 Columbus at Los Angeles Columbus, OHLos Angeles, CA$1=
98 Columbus at Phoenix Columbus, OHPhoenix, AZ$178 TicketMaster San Jos=
e at Dallas Bay Area, CA*Dallas/Ft Worth, TX$198 Toronto at Washington Toro=
nto, ONWashington, DC (DCA)$148 Toronto, ONBaltimore, MD$148 College B=
asketball - Men [IMAGE] Event Departure CityDestination CityFares Air Forc=
e at San Deigo St. Denver Area*San Diego Area*$168 BYU at Colorado St. Salt=
Lake City, UTDenver Area*$138 California at Arizona Bay Area, CA*Tucson, A=
Z$158 New Mexico at UNLV Albuquerque, NMLas Vegas, NM$138 Oregon St. at USC=
Portland, ORLos Angeles Area*$168 SMU at Boise St. Dallas/Ft Worth, TXBois=
e, ID$208 Stanford at ASU Bay Area, CA*Phoenix, AZ$118 College Basketbal=
l - Women [IMAGE] Event Departure CityDestination CityFares BYU at San Die=
go St. Salt Lake City, UTSan Diego Area*$138 New Mexico at Colorado St. Alb=
uquerque, NMDenver Area*$138 Texas El Paso at San Jose St. El Paso, TXSan J=
ose, CA$188 Utah at UNLV Salt Lake City, UTLas Vegas, NV$108 Boxing [IM=
AGE] Event Departure CityDestination CityFares Erik Morales vs. Los Angele=
s, CALas Vegas, NV$78 Marci Antonio Barrera Orange/Santa Ana, CALas Vegas, =
NV$78 San Diego, CALas Vegas, NV$78 Professional Golf [IMAGE] Event D=
eparture CityDestination CityFares PGA Tour: Las Vegas, NVMiami, FL$178 Gen=
uity Championship San Diego, CAMiami, FL$178 Tucson, AZMiami, FL$178 Ph=
oenix, AZMiami, FL$178 Phoenix, AZFort Lauderdale, FL$178 San Francisco=
, CAMiami, FL$188 Oakland, CAMiami, FL$188 PGA Tour: St. Louis, MOLos Ang=
eles Area*$158 SBC Senior Classic Las Vegas, NVLos Angeles, CA$78 Las Veg=
as, NVOrange/Santa Ana, CA$78 Denver, COLos Angeles Area*$158 Detroit, =
MILos Angeles, CA$188 Chicago, IL (ORD)Los Angeles, CA$188 Professiona=
l Tennis [IMAGE] Event Departure CityDestination CityFares Mexican Open Ph=
oenix, AZAcapulco, Mexico$378 San Diego, CAAcapulco, Mexico$378 Denver,=
COAcapulco, Mexico$398 Bay Area, CA*Acapulco, Mexico$398 State Farm Clas=
sic Sacramento, CAPhoenix, AZ$138 Chicago, IL (ORD)Phoenix, AZ$188 St. =
Louis, MOPhoenix, AZ$188 Kansas City, MOPhoenix, AZ$188 Sybase Open Phoen=
ix, AZBay Area, CA*$118 Atlanta, GABay Area, CA*$188 Cultural Events [IM=
AGE] Event Departure CityDestination CityFares Houston Livestock Show Phoen=
ix, AZHouston, TX (IAH)$168 and Rodeo Los Angeles Area*Houston, TX (IAH)$18=
8 San Diego, CAHouston, TX (IAH)$188 *Bay Area, CA includes the San Fran=
cisco, San Jose and Oakland airports. *Los Angeles Area includes the Los =
Angeles, Burbank, Ontario, Orange/Santa Ana and Long Beach airports. *Den=
ver Area includes the Denver and Colorado Springs airports. *San Diego Ar=
ea includes the San Diego and Carlsbad airports. Surf'n Go Sports Terms an=
d Conditions: Purchase Ticket By: Friday, 3/1/02, 9:00pm PST Travel Outbou=
nd: Saturday, 3/2/02 Travel Return: Monday, 3/4/02 or Tuesday, 3/5/02 (Acap=
ulco return on 3/5 only) Travel On: Flights operated by America West and Am=
erica West Express Purchased Through: americawest.com Ticket Refundability:=
Non- refundable Itinerary Changes: Subject to fare availability, $100 chan=
ge fee, and difference in fare if applicable Minimum Stay: 2 nights Black =
Out Dates: None Routing: Roundtrip only, Routing restrictions may apply Ot=
her Discounts: Not combinable with any other discount Seat Inventory: Limit=
ed - subject to availability Federal Excise Tax: A $2.50 per flight segmen=
t US Security Fee (up to a maximum of $10 per roundtrip) plus a $3 per flig=
ht segment Federal Excise Tax will be applied. A segment is defined as a ta=
ke-off and landing Passenger Facility Charges: Up to $20 per person, depend=
ing on itinerary You have received this message because you subscri=
bed to the Surf'n Go messaging service at americawest.com. To unsubscribe=
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