Enron Mail

Subject:continental.com Specials for Susan Scott
Date:Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:03:57 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Wednesday, February 13, 2002 [IMAGE] cont=
inental.com Specials for Susan Scott [IMAGE] Fare Sale [IMAGE] Go West=
for Less. Web Fares to Arizona and Nevada. Purchase your eTickets by Febr=
uary 17, 2002. Europe on Sale. Hurry, portions of this sale end February =
15, 2002. For all the details on these great offers, visit continental.com=
. Click for more info This e-mail includes: This Week's Destinations=
, Continental Vacation Offers , Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Doubletree Hotel=
s & Resorts, & Embassy Suites Hotels Offers , Westin Hotels & Resorts, Sher=
aton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Colle=
ction and W Hotels Offers , Alamo Rent A Car Offers , National Car Rental O=
ffers . continental.com Specials This Week's Destinations Depart Satu=
rday, February 16 and return on either Monday, February 18 or Tuesday, Febr=
uary 19, 2002. Please see the Terms and Conditions listed at the end of th=
is e-mail. Purchase continental.com Specials online until 11:59pm (CST) Fri=
day at www.continental.com . You can also purchase continental.com Specials=
for an additional cost of $20 per ticket through our toll-free reservation=
s number at 1-800-642-1617. Round-trip travel may originate in either city=
. From/To Cleveland $109 - Madison, WI From/To Houston $109 - Baton Roug=
e, LA $109 - Corpus Christi, TX $129 - Greensboro/Piedmont Triad, NC $109 -=
Lake Charles, LA $109 - Monroe, LA [IMAGE] Continental Vacation Off=
ers Bahamas Savings Save $100 per person at Breezes Bahamas, Superclub=
s when you fly the new nonstop service on Continental Airlines from Clevela=
nd & Houston! For more information about this exciting offer, visit cont=
inental.coolvacations.com and select the "Current Specials" button. [IMAG=
E] Partner Hotel Specials Hilton, Embassy Suites, Double Tree continenta=
l.com Specials from Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Doubletree Hotels and Resort=
s, and Embassy Suites Hotels The following rates are available February 16=
- February 18, 2002 and are priced per night. Cities listed are for the ne=
arest airport, not necessarily for the location of the hotel. To book this =
week's special rates for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book at www.hilton=
.com/en/hi/promotions/valuerates/ . Ohio Cleveland - Hilton Garden Inn Cle=
veland Airport - $79.00 Texas Houston - Hilton Houston Southwest - $95.00=
Houston - Embassy Suites Hotel - Near The Galleria - $135.00 Houston - Hil=
ton Houston Hobby Airport - $109.00 Special rates apply only for the dates=
listed at each hotel and are subject to availability. Check hilton.com for=
specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel. Or call 1-800-774-1500 and ask=
for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these rates. return to top =
Starwood Hotels continental.com Specials Last-minute Weekend Rates from We=
stin Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, =
St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels There are no offerings from =
Westin Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton=
, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels this week. return to top =
Partner Car Rental Specials continental.com Specials from Alamo Rent A Car=
Rates listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locatio=
ns only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on =
Saturday, February 16 with returns Monday, February 18 or Tuesday, February=
19, 2002. Alamo $20 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $21 a day in: Greens=
boro/Piedmont Triad, NC (GSO) $20 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) To receiv=
e continental.com Specials discounted rates, simply make advance reservatio=
ns and be sure to request ID # 596871 and Rate Code 33. Book your reservati=
on online at www.alamo.com or contact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO. If you are=
traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, Alamo offers g=
reat rates when you book online at www.alamo.com . For complete details o=
n these offers, please refer to Alamo's terms and conditions below. retu=
rn to top continental.com Specials from National Car Rental Rates lis=
ted below are valid on intermediate class vehicles at airport locations onl=
y. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturd=
ay, February 16 with returns Monday, February 18 or Tuesday, February 19, 2=
002. National $30 a day in: Baton Rouge, LA (BTR) $23 a day in: Clevela=
nd, OH (CLE) $25 a day in: Greensboro/Piedmont Triad, NC (GSO) $25 a day in=
: Houston, TX (IAH) $26 a day in: Lake Charles, LA (LCH) $54 a day in: Madi=
son, WI (MSN) To receive continental.com Specials discounted rates, si=
mply make your reservation in advance and be sure to request Product Code C=
OOLUS. To make your reservation, contact National at 1-800-CAR-RENT (1-800=
-227-7368), or book your reservation online at www.nationalcar.com . Pleas=
e enter COOLUS in the Product Rate Code field, and 5037126 in the Contract =
ID field to ensure you get these rates on these dates. If you are travelin=
g to a city or a different date that is not listed, National offers great r=
ates when you book online at www.nationalcar.com . For complete details on=
these offers, please refer to National's terms and conditions below. ret=
urn to top Terms and Conditions continental.com Specials Rules Fares incl=
ude an $18.60 fuel surcharge. The September 11th Security Fee of up to $10 =
depending on routing, is not included. Passenger Facility Charges, up to $1=
8 depending on routing, are not included. Up to $3 per segment federal exci=
se tax, as applicable, is not included. Applicable International and or Can=
adian taxes and fees up to $108, varying by destination, are not included a=
nd may vary slightly depending on currency exchange rate at the time of pur=
chase. For a complete listing of rules please visit: www.continental.com=
. Terms and Conditions for Westin, Sheraton, Four Points, St. Regis, Th=
e Luxury Collection, and W Hotels: promo.starwood.com Alamo Rent A Car's=
Terms and Conditions: www.alamo.com National Car Rental Terms and Con=
ditions: Customer must provide Contract ID# at the time of reservation to b=
e eligible for discounts. Offer valid at participating National locations i=
n the US and Canada. Minimum rental age is 25. This offer is not valid with=
any other special discount or promotion. Standard rental qualifications ap=
ply. Subject to availability and blackout dates. Advance reservations requi=
red. Geographic driving restrictions may apply. return to top If you=
need assistance please visit www.continental.com/service . This e-mail me=
ssage and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Cont=
inental Airlines, Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of t=
he message or its content, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. View our=
Privacy Policy . This e-mail was sent to: sscott5@enron.com To modify yo=
ur continental.com Specials profile please visit www.continental.com . =