Enron Mail

Subject:continental.com Specials for Susan Scott
Date:Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:45:15 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Wednesday, March 6, 2002 [IMAGE] continen=
tal.com Specials for Susan Scott [IMAGE] FareSale [IMAGE] Summer Europ=
e Sale More Europe. Less Money. Sound good? Exciting destinations in Belg=
ium, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and The Netherlan=
ds are on sale now. Purchase your eTickets by March 13, 2002 on continenta=
l.com . Click for more info [IMAGE] OnePass Members...Receive =
continental.com Specials A Day Early Be the first to know. Plan your week=
end and purchase continental.com Specials a day early by adding your OnePas=
s number to your continental.com Specials profile . If you are not alrea=
dy a member of OnePass, our award-winning frequent flyer program, enroll in=
stantly and be sure to update your continental.com Specials profile with y=
our new OnePass number. Click for more info This e-mail includes=
: This Week's Destinations , Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Doubletree Hotels & R=
esorts, & Embassy Suites Hotels Offers , Alamo Rent A Car Offers , National=
Car Rental Offers . continental.com Specials Airport Hubs This Week's D=
estinations Depart Saturday, March 9 and return on either Monday, March =
11 or Tuesday, March 12, 2002. Please see the Terms and Conditions listed =
at the end of this e-mail. Purchase continental.com Specials online until =
11:59pm (CST) Friday at www.continental.com . You can also purchase contine=
ntal.com Specials for an additional cost of $20 per ticket through our toll=
-free reservations number at 1-800-642-1617. Round-trip travel may origina=
te in either city. From/To Cleveland $109 - Chicago, IL (Midway only) $109=
- Islip/Long Island, NY $119 - Kansas City, MO $109 - Madison, WI $109 - N=
ew York/Newark (Newark only) From/To Houston $109 - Baton Rouge, LA $109 -=
Monroe, LA From/To New York/Newark $109 - Rochester, NY [IMAGE] Partner=
Hotel Specials Hilton, Embassy Suites, Double Tree continental.com Speci=
als from Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Doubletree Hotels and Resorts, and Emba=
ssy Suites Hotels The following rates are available March 9 - March 11, 20=
02 and are priced per night. Cities listed are for the nearest airport, not=
necessarily for the location of the hotel. To book this week's special rat=
es for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book at www.hilton.com/en/hi/promoti=
ons/valuerates/ . Illinois Chicago - Hilton Garden Inn St. Charles - $79 C=
hicago - Doubletree Guest Suites Chicago North/Glenview - $89 Chicago - Emb=
assy Suites Hotel Chicago-North Shore/Deerfield - $129 Ohio Cleveland - Hi=
lton Garden Inn Cleveland Airport - $79 Cleveland - Embassy Suites Hotel Cl=
eveland-Independence - $95 Texas Houston - Hilton Houston Hobby Airport - =
$109 New Jersey Newark - Hilton Parsippany - $76 Newark - Hilton Fort Lee =
at the George Washington Bridge - $109 Special rates apply only for the da=
tes listed at each hotel and are subject to availability. Check hilton.com =
for specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel. Or call 1-800-774-1500 and =
ask for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these rates. return to top Pa=
rtner Car Rental Specials continental.com Specials from Alamo Rent A Car R=
ates listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locations =
only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Sat=
urday, March 9 with returns Monday, March 11 or Tuesday, March 12, 2002. A=
lamo $20 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $26 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) =
$18 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $18 a day in: Kansas City, MO (MCI) $23 a=
day in: Chicago, IL (MDW) To receive continental.com Specials discoun=
ted rates, simply make advance reservations and be sure to request ID # 596=
871 and Rate Code 33. Book your reservation online at www.alamo.com or con=
tact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO. If you are traveling to a city or a differen=
t date that is not listed, Alamo offers great rates when you book online at=
www.alamo.com . For complete details on these offers, please refer to Al=
amo's terms and conditions below. return to top continental.com Spec=
ials from National Car Rental Rates listed below are valid on intermediat=
e class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be availab=
le. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, March 9 with returns Monday, M=
arch 11 or Tuesday, March 12, 2002. National $30 a day in: Baton Rouge=
, LA (BTR) $23 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $29 a day in: Newark, NJ (EW=
R) $21 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $21 a day in: Kansas City, MO (MCI) $2=
6 a day in: Chicago, IL (MDW) $54 a day in: Madison, WI (MSN) $21 a day i=
n: Rochester, NY (ROC) To receive continental.com Specials discounted=
rates, simply make your reservation in advance and be sure to request Prod=
uct Code COOLUS. To make your reservation, contact National at 1-800-CAR-R=
ENT (1-800-227-7368), or book your reservation online at www.nationalcar.co=
m . Please enter COOLUS in the Product Rate Code field, and 5037126 in the=
Contract ID field to ensure you get these rates on these dates. If you ar=
e traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, National offe=
rs great rates when you book online at www.nationalcar.com . For complete =
details on these offers, please refer to National's terms and conditions b=
elow. return to top Terms and Conditions continental.com Specials Rules =
Fares include an $18.60 fuel surcharge. The September 11th Security Fee of =
up to $10 depending on routing, is not included. Passenger Facility Charges=
, up to $18 depending on routing, are not included. Up to $3 per segment fe=
deral excise tax, as applicable, is not included. Applicable International =
and or Canadian taxes and fees up to $108, varying by destination, are not =
included and may vary slightly depending on currency exchange rate at the t=
ime of purchase. For a complete listing of rules, please visit: www.cont=
inental.com . Alamo Rent A Car's Terms and Conditions: www.alamo.com =
National Car Rental Terms and Conditions: Customer must provide Contract I=
D# at the time of reservation to be eligible for discounts. Offer valid at =
participating National locations in the US and Canada. Minimum rental age i=
s 25. This offer is not valid with any other special discount or promotion.=
Standard rental qualifications apply. Subject to availability and blackout=
dates. Advance reservations required. Geographic driving restrictions may =
apply. return to top If you need assistance, please visit www.contin=
ental.com/service . This e-mail message and its contents are copyrighted a=
nd are proprietary products of Continental Airlines, Inc. Any unauthorized =
use, reproduction, or transfer of the message or its content, in any medium=
, is strictly prohibited. View our Privacy Policy . This e-mail was sent =
to: sscott5@enron.com To modify your continental.com Specials profile, ple=
ase visit: www.continental.com . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =