Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 29 Sep 2000 17:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

excelsior (ik-SEL-see-uhr) noun

Slender, curved wood shavings used especially for packing.

[Originally a trade name.]

"In a glint of needle light, of grass seeds, dew flecks, a friend is
throwing her voice
While far inside a grainy heaven a butcher's apron ripples its dried
blood in the wind.
The bark strippings, excelsior, the panicles of the garden. In the midst
of summer a friend cuts greens and places them in a bowl as if they were
A friend is a vinegar - and now, pearl-shaped, in clusters, faces among
her face,
A globes rise on the lawn, each above a root of recriminations."
Garden solstice. (poem), The Antioch Review, 1 Jun 1996.

This week's theme: brand names that have entered the dictionary.

Adults are obsolete children. -Dr. Seuss, humorist, illustrator, and author

We're taking a vote to determine if we should skip AWAD mailings on weekends.
Email FIVE@wordsmith.org to vote that AWAD should take a break on weekends.
Email SEVEN@wordsmith.org if you would like AWAD to continue with daily
mailings. One vote per person, please. Results will be announced in next week.
