Enron Mail

To:gsullivan@sempra.com, llorenz@socalgas.com, swatson@socalgas.com,bcherry@sempra.com, llorenz@socalgas.com, gsullivan@sempra.com, bcherry@sempra.com, alexanms@sce.com, paulamirault@aec.ca, david.bayless@utility.com, tomb@crossborderenergy.com, burkee
Subject:Additional Discovery responses to ALJ Biren
Date:Tue, 30 May 2000 13:35:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached for your review and comment are some additional draft data responses
for ALJ Biren.? Please forward your comments to me as soon as possible.? ALJ
Biren has asked that we try and finish our responses to her questions as
expeditiously as possible.? There are two responses I would like to focus
your attention on: first, regarding her request to provide alternative
charts, is likely non-responsive.? Answering the question, however, assumes a
variety of facts and circumstances that are extremely variable.? I would
nonetheless appreciate your feedback.? The second question concerns the RLS
tariff.? We have reached a compromise with some of our settlement parties who
oppose the RLS tariff on the language.? Let me know if it is acceptable.? You
can call me direct at 415 202-9986.

<<ALJQMiscCapacity1.doc<< <<ALJQ4,PG1.doc<< <<ALJQ1.5.5,Pg27.doc<<
<<ALJQ1.1.3.8,PG18.doc<< <<ALJ1 Q5.xls<<

- ALJQMiscCapacity1.doc
- ALJQ4,PG1.doc
- ALJQ1.5.5,Pg27.doc
- ALJQ1.1.3.8,PG18.doc
- ALJ1 Q5.xls