Enron Mail

To:abb@eslawfirm.com, agoldberg@lgl.twc.com, ahuertas@enron.co.uk,alan_reid@pancanadian.ca, alexanms@sce.com, andy.bettwy@swgas.com, anikat@greenlining.org, ascott@sdge.com, askaff@energy-law-group.com, atrowbridge@dbsr.com, bbrunel@smud.org, bcherry@sem
Subject:Advice 2250-G and 2251-G (Gas OII Settlement)
Date:Mon, 17 Jul 2000 10:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

< Parties To The PG&E Gas OII Settlement:
< Today, July 17, 2000, PG&E filed with the Commission the following two
< advice letters and attached tariffs to implement the Comprehensive PG&E
< Gas OII Settlement Agreement in accordance with Decision 00-05-049. We
< sincerely appreciate the parties' efforts in helping to bring these
< tariffs together.
< As some parties suggested at our July 6, 2000 workshop on the draft
< tariffs, PG&E has divided the tariff package into two advice filings.
< Advice 2251-G pertains solely to the metering pilot programs. Advice
< 2250-G contains all remaining tariffs to implement the Settlement
< Agreement. Please note that Attachment 5 to Advice 2250-G includes an
< estimated implementation schedule that parties may find useful as a point
< of reference for the coming months.
< If you have any questions regarding this package, please do not hesitate
< to contact us at the numbers below. Thanks again for your time and effort
< in helping to put this package together.
< Ron Stoner Steve Frank (for Randy Litteneker)
< (415) 973-3606 (415) 973-6976 (or 973-2179)
< AL 2250-G and Tariffs (Attachment 1)
< <<2250-G AL.doc<< <<2250-G Tariffs.doc<<
< Form 79-845 and Exhibits D, I, J, and K (Attachment 1 cont.)
< <<2250-G_Form79-845.doc<< <<2250-G_79-845-D.doc<<
< <<2250-G_79-845-I.doc<< <<2250-G_79-845-J.doc<< <<2250-G_79-845- K.doc<<
< Forms 79-868 and 79-791 (Attachment 1 cont.)
< <<2250-G_Form79-868.doc<< <<2250-G_Form79-971.doc<<
< Workpapers (Attachments 2a, 2b, 3, 4)
< <<2250-G_Wrkpr2a2b.xls<< <<2250-G_Wrkpr3.doc<< <<2250-G_Wrkpr4.doc<<
< Implementation Schedule (Attachment 5)
< <<2250-G_ImpleSched.doc<<
< Advice 2251-G and Tariffs (Metering Pilot Programs)
< <<2251-G AL.doc<< <<2251-G TS.doc<<
< Forms 79-969 and 79-970
< <<2251-G_Form79-969.doc<< <<2251-G_Form79-970.doc<<

- 2250-G AL.doc
- 2250-G Tariffs.doc
- 2250-G_Form79-845.doc
- 2250-G_79-845-D.doc
- 2250-G_79-845-I.doc
- 2250-G_79-845-J.doc
- 2250-G_79-845- K.doc
- 2250-G_Form79-868.doc
- 2250-G_Form79-971.doc
- 2250-G_Wrkpr2a2b.xls
- 2250-G_Wrkpr3.doc
- 2250-G_Wrkpr4.doc
- 2250-G_ImpleSched.doc
- 2251-G AL.doc
- 2251-G TS.doc
- 2251-G_Form79-969.doc
- 2251-G_Form79-970.doc