Enron Mail

To:swf5@pge.com, abb@eslawfirm.com, agoldberg@lgl.twc.com, ahuertas@enron.co.uk,alan_reid@pancanadian.ca, alexanms@sce.com, andy.bettwy@swgas.com, anikat@greenlining.org, ascott@sdge.com, askaff@energy-law-group.com, atrowbridge@dbsr.com, bbrunel@smud.or
Subject:Advice 2251-G-A (Gas OII Settlement)
Date:Fri, 4 Aug 2000 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

Parties To The PG&E Gas OII Settlement:

Today, August 4, 2000, PG&E filed with the Commission the attached,
supplemental advice filing in order to revise the gas tariff filed in Advice
2251-G, dated July 17, 2000. The revisions affect only the pilot program
for customer ownership of new gas meters.

Based on further discussions with interested parties, PG&E has revised the
Gas Meter Ownership Pilot Agreement to expand customers' options by allowing
them to own the entire meter set. Parties may recall that the protest
period for Advice 2251-G ends Monday, August 7, 2000. PG&E has requested
that the protest period for Advice 2251-G-A (attached) be extended by seven
(7) days from today (i.e., August 11, 2000).

If you have any questions regarding this supplemental filing, please do not
hesitate to contact us at the numbers below. Thank you very much.

Ron Stoner Steve Frank (for Randy Litteneker)
(415) 973-3606 (415) 973-6976 (or 973-2179)

<<2251-G-A_AL.doc<< <<2251-G-A_79-969rev.doc<<

- 2251-G-A_AL.doc
- 2251-G-A_79-969rev.doc