Enron Mail

Subject:Ashley's info
Date:Mon, 17 Jul 2000 01:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

susie- ashley wanted me to give you her email address; as you can see below
it is ashley.marynick@chase.com
i thought that you would enjoy reading her email!!
anyway, i had a ball getting to see you on sunday. your stories were
excellent and i will look forward to hearing updates. sounds like you
couldn't have picked a better guy to go out on a few dates with!! (see how
good i am about not making things too big of a deal :))
i also wanted to tell you that my parents said that your parents sent them
such a sweet note after the wedding. i think my parents favorite thing
about the whole weekend was getting to talk to everyone on sunday--they love
you guys so much!!

have a great week and feel free to email me (and my many names to let me
know how noble things have been)
later tater

-----Original Message-----
From: Ashley.Marynick@chase.com [mailto:Ashley.Marynick@chase.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 3:09 AM
To: Jessica.Bateman@bakerbotts.com
Subject: Re: HELLO!!!!

yea! i tried the whole baker and botts address and nothing would go through
then i sent you a message on the aol account. anyway, things are good.....a
little rain, but good.

before i get started though, tell clay congrats on the flat screen! nice

ok. i am fine. it has been crap weather since i have arrive, but i am just
pretending that it is november in dallas! we will have to see what month i
to fake in january....could be a bit tricky. the office is really good. i
think that we are going to do loads of cool stuff and there are lots of
people so it is a nice change. it is so different from the other situation.
here there are lots of lowly staff and a few big shots whereas it was the
opposite in dallas. this means that i come in a lot later and stay later,
however, their staying late includes dinner, time for a workout, and a taxi
so that is not too bad. yesterday there was a corporate run of all the
banks in
london. they ran at battersea park and then each bank had a huge tent at
end and drinks and dinner. it was a nice way to get to meet people.
anyway, i
am hoping for good work and fun people to see at the office, besides the
factor (everyone) i think there might be a possibility.

lee.....he is good. i think he is just about to keel over of exhaustion,
besides that i think he will be more relieved than me when i get things
it is so funny because now we are going to be in a situation where we are in
same city but only get to see each other occasionally (two or three times a
week).....i mean, he still goes to work at 7 and i go at 9 and he gets out
at 6
and me at 10.......so, it is going to be a bit of an adjustment. we had
used to the seeing each other once a month and having it be really intense
it is not going to be like that....mainly because we will be tired/busy/etc.
having said all of this, it is really fun to be on his same major schedule
to be able to see him when i do. tonight i am going to get ot see him so i
really excited and then this weekend i think we are going to go to his house
because i still do not have a mattress and the hotel is kicking me out.
weekend i just about killed him by trips to get a vaccuum and hot pot and
stereo, etc.....at one point i was seriously contemplating cutlery! a bit
insane i admit.

as for the airline......ba or aa go direct. i just got a ticket for friday
22 and returning thursday dec 28....so, any time aside from that. i am
aa. if you all want to try and get on the 28th 5:30pm flight that might be
i can't remember what i priced but you all can decide.

i am going to continue my monologue......so bear with me.....i finally got
keys to my flat after many trials, but bate let me tell you....it is
lee and i discovered a secret fire escape which leads to the roof......you
see the london eye (farris wheel for the millinium year and nelsons statue
is in trafalgar's square). it is a really neat view. and the windows in
place are just as wonderful as i remember......my room is a bit smaller, but
just hope that the furniture that i am bringing fits!

ok. i am off for now. send my love to clay/.....and then in houston to
everyone there.
my info is as follows:

email: ashley.marynick@chase.com
home: 2 Excell Court
25 Whitcomb Street
mobile: i will hopefully have one by friday!
work: 125 London Wall
Media and Telcoms, 8th floor
phone: 011-44-171-777-3157

Big hug! Mare