Enron Mail

To:sberry@rfa1.com, sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com, mcoleman@maximgroup.com,rebeccacooke@hotmail.com, julianna.grisham@halliburton.com, jhuber3@hotmail.com, kkrips@fulbright.com, nknewton@yahoo.com, courtneyredmon@yahoo.com, sscott5@enron.com, ashleastu@aol.co
Subject:Christmas Shower
Date:Tue, 5 Dec 2000 00:26:00 -0800 (PST)

Hello everyone! I hope all of you are doing well! I am getting so excited
about this weekend and the Christmas shower! Don't forget to RSVP - it is my
cousin, Josie Flesher's number (713-626-9466) and she is not there during the
day, so you can just leave a message.

Hope to see you guys this weekend!

Love, Lisa