Enron Mail

Subject:Email/Voice Mail Retention Policy Change
Date:Wed, 13 Dec 2000 03:07:00 -0800 (PST)

E-mail / Voice Mail Retention Policy Change Notice

We have just received notice of a change to the e-mail and voice mail=20
retention policy. The change will go into effect Friday, December 15, 2000=

The greatest impact will be to your "sent mail," which will be retained onl=
30 days as compared to the current 365 days. =20

As a reminder, you should not use the email system to store important=20
They should be saved to your network directory which is regularly backed up=

However, for 'sent' messages you want to keep longer than 30 days in the=20
email system, you should move the messages from the Sent Mail to a specific=
folder where the messages can be kept 365 days.

The scope of the e-mail retention policy includes all forms of electronic=
mail, for example, Lotus Notes Mail, Internet e-mail, Outlook e-mail, and=
voice mail.

Enron supports a work environment in which information is freely exchanged=
and encourages employees, contractors, and agents working on behalf of Enro=
to use its computers and related electronic resources in accomplishing thei=
work. Computers, systems, and networks and the work products they contain=
are Enron property and subject to Enron review and control. All Enron=20
employees, contractors, and agents are responsible for using the computing=
resources provided to them by Enron in an appropriate manner.

The revised retention schedule follows:

Message Location Maximum Retention
Inbox 30 Days
Message Log/Sent Mail 30 Days
Trash Rollover from Inbox for 15 days
Bulletin Boards 30 Days
Folders/Archives E-mails placed in Folders or Archives =01) one year
Voice mail 90 days

The Corp IT Group responsible for maintaining compliance with this=20
e-mail/voice mail policy will automatically purge e-mail and voice mail old=
than the allowed maximum retention age. Any exception to this policy=20
requires approval from Mark Haedicke or Richard Sanders.

If you need assistance in creating folders and saving documents to them,=20
please call the ETS Solution Center at 713-345-4745. We will be glad to=20
assist you.

ETS Solution Center