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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: "Angeles, Zenee G. - TPZGA" <ZAngeles@sempra.com< X-To: "'Jun, Christine@aelaw'" <chj@aelaw.com<, "'Scott, Susan@TW'" <sscott3@enron.com< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Susan_Scott_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: SCOTT-S X-FileName: sscott3.nsf -----Original Message----- From:?? Angeles, Zenee G. - TPZGA? On Behalf Of Cherry, Brian - TPBKC Sent:?? Wednesday, June 21, 2000 5:56 PM To:???? atrowbridge@dbsr.com; bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us; Blue, Greg@Dynegy; burkee@cts.com; Chancellor, Craig@Calpine; ed@clfp.com; Elsesser, Evelyn@IP; epoole@adplaw.com; ewo@jmbm.com; Hawiger, Marcel@TURN; inggm@sce.com; jmct@gmssr.com; June Suwara; kam@eslawfirm.com; Klatt, Gregory@SCGC; Klinkner, Eric @Pasadena; kmills@cfbf.com; Leslie, John@Luce; Lindh, Karen@CIG/CMA; lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com; Lins, Steve@Glendale; Maan, Raveen@palo alto; McCrea, Keith@CIG/CM; mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com; Moench, Mark@KR; Pedersen, Norm@SCGC; Pelote, Roger@Williams; Pettinato, Bob@LADWP; pgg4@pge.com; PJPowerLaw@aol.com; rfigueroa@lif.org; rgloistein@orrick.com; Rochman, Michael@CUB; Rochman, Michael@SPURR; stomashe@energy.state.ca.us; Sullivan, Glen J.; Task, Rob@Reliant; Weil, James@Aglet; Wood, Bill@CEC; Yap, Cathy E.; Yip, Kelvin@SEC; Addis Scott; Barker, David - TPDTB; Ben Montoya; Carolyn McIntyre; Chang, Cathy? -? TPCKC; Claudia Kenny; David Croyle; David Follett; Dawn Osborne; Earl Takemura; Ed Fong; Eric Nelson; Fred John; Gillian Wright; Gilmore, Dave - TPDJG; Glen Sullivan; James Cassie; James Harrigan; James Hay; James Teeter; Jeffrey Hartman; Kimberly Freeman; Lad Lorenz; Lee Schavrien; Lisa Hubbard; Mark Gaines; Michael Johnson; Michael Schneider; Ozenne, Tim - TPTOO; Pam Fair; Patricia Davidson; Petersilia, Pat - TPJPP; Peterson, Lorraine? -? TP1LMP; Ralph Purves; Reed, Debra L. - TP3DLR; Rick Morrow; Robert Betonte; Robert Davis; Roy Rawlings; Smith, Anne S. -? TPASS; Stephen Keehn; Stephen Taylor; Steven Watson; Stewart, Lee M. - TP4LMS; Thomas Brill; Thomas Surak; Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV; Wayne Sakarias; William Reed; Zenee Angeles Subject:??????? FW: Late Filed Exhibit 28 - Firm Pipeline Capacities into Southern California Attached for your information is SoCalGas' late-filed exhibit on firm pipeline capacity into southern California that was sent to members of the service list moments ago.? I am also sending copies of this mailing to internal and external parties who have expressed an interest in receiving this material.? Please accept my apologies if you receive duplicate messages. -----Original Message----- From:?? Angeles, Zenee G. - TPZGA? On Behalf Of Cherry, Brian - TPBKC Sent:?? Wednesday, June 21, 2000 5:52 PM To:???? 'Biren, Andrea@CPUC'; 'Thompson, Mike'; atrowbridge@dbsr.com; bcragg@gmssr.com; Beck, Valerie@CPUC; Bettwy, Andy@!SW; Biren, Andrea@CPUC; bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us; Blue, Greg@Dynegy; Brady, Matthew V; burkee@cts.com; Chancellor, Craig@Calpine; cholmes@energy.state.ca.us; chris.king@utility.com; Counihan, Rick@Green Mountain; Day, Michael@GMSSR; ed@clfp.com; Elsesser, Evelyn@IP; epoole@adplaw.com; ewo@jmbm.com; Farrar, Darwin@CPUC; gbudin@energy.state.ca.us; Gileau, Patrick@CPUC; Glen Sullivan; Golden, Patrick@PGE; Hawiger, Marcel@TURN; Hernandez, Jose@LIF; Horner, Trina@CPUC; iep@iepa.com; igsinc@ix.netcom.com; inggm@sce.com; jcattermole@pcenergy.com; jmct@gmssr.com; June Suwara; kam@eslawfirm.com; karen@klindh.com; Katz, Stefanie@SET; Klinkner, Eric @Pasadena; kmills@cfbf.com; Leslie, John@Luce; lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com; Lins, Steve@Glendale; Maan, Raveen@palo alto; McCrea, Keith@CIG/CM; mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com; mjaske@energy.state.ca.us; Moench, Mark@KR; Myers, Richard A.; Ortega, Barbara@CPUC; Pedersen, Norm@SCGC; Pelote, Roger@Williams; Pettinato, Bob@LADWP; PJPowerLaw@aol.com; Pocta, Mark@ORA; Quan, Edwin@CPUC; rczahar@aol.com; Reid, Al@PanCanadian; rfigueroa@lif.org; rgloistein@orrick.com; Rochman, Michael@CUB; Rochman, Michael@SPURR; ron_oechsler@rmiinc.com; ronknecht@aol.com; Roth, Tom@ET; Sarvate, Sarita@CPUC; Skaff, Andy@Dynegy; stomashe@energy.state.ca.us; Task, Rob@Reliant; tdickers@westerngas.com; Tran, Lana@CPUC; Weil, James@Aglet; White, Rosalina@CPUC; Wood, Bill@CEC; Yap, Cathy E.; Yip, Kelvin@SEC Cc:???? Sullivan, Glen J. Subject:??????? FW: Late Filed Exhibit 28 - Firm Pipeline Capacities into Southern California Attached for your information is a copy of Exhibit 28, SoCalGas' late filed exhibit on firm pipeline capacity into southern California.? This exhibit is being served on all parties to I.99-07-003, pursuant to the instructions of ALJ Andrea Biren.? <<1JPL01!AA.doc<< <<Exhibitcover.doc<< <<finlatefileaa.xls<< <<SoCalGasSystem1.doc<< <<1JPB01!1xx.doc<< - 1JPL01!AA.doc - Exhibitcover.doc - finlatefileaa.xls - SoCalGasSystem1.doc - 1JPB01!1xx.doc