Enron Mail

To:rmp@cpuc.ca.gov, rick.counihan@greenmountain.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,burkee@cts.com, alexanms@sce.com, craigc@calpine.com, cushnice@sce.com, jdasovic@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, paulamirault@aec.ca, porterdk@sce.com, tomb@crossborderenergy.com,
Subject:FW: Proposed revisions to CSA Letter
Date:Mon, 11 Dec 2000 02:43:00 -0800 (PST)

Here are some edits to our letter from socal. I do not feel they diminsh
the usefulness of the letter, and they moderate the tone a little, as you
would expect. They also eliminate the lengthy recitation of the procedural
events at the end of the letter. If this gets them on the letter, I say
let's sign. I will assume everyone who signed on last week stays on the
letter unless I hear differently from you by 3 pm today. I really
appreciate the quick turnaround. Mike Day

-----Original Message-----
From: Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW [mailto:GWright@sempra.com]
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 10:26 AM
To: 'mday@gmssr.com'
Subject: Proposed revisions to CSA Letter

Here are SoCal's proposed revisions to the CSA letter - I'll call in a
minute. The edits are pretty extensive, but all along the lines we
discussed (ie changing the tone to a more positive one).


<<CSA Letter SCG.doc<<

Gillian A. Wright
Regulatory Case Manager
Sempra Energy
555 W. Fifth St. GT14D6
Los Angeles, CA 90013-1011
(213) 244-3833
(213) 244-8820 fax

- CSA Letter SCG.doc