Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: FW: 70'S CHILD
Date:Tue, 11 Apr 2000 07:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please respond to "C. Scott" <cscott@ala.net<
To: "Wilbur & Betty Williams" <wbwilliams@flex.net<, "Susan Margaret Scott"
<sscott5@enron.com<, "Kana, Kristi M." <kmkana@TexasChildrensHospital.org<
Subject: Fw: FW: 70'S CHILD

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Carbo <ccarbo@hssbc.com<
To: cscott@ala.net <cscott@ala.net<; cookjr@arlaw.com <cookjr@arlaw.com<;
nani@chevron.com <nani@chevron.com<; rscherer@gltcpas.com
<rscherer@gltcpas.com<; Penny Steele <psteele@hssbc.com<;
WHRobinson@NOLAC.ORG <WHRobinson@NOLAC.ORG<; mmechols@riessfirms.com
<mmechols@riessfirms.com<; kbarsi@stmarys-ca.edu <kbarsi@stmarys-ca.edu<;
ashley.long@tappharma.com <ashley.long@tappharma.com<
Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: 70'S CHILD

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From: "Browning, Erin" <Browning@pbworld.com<
To: "'Chris Carbo'" <ccarbo@hssbc.com<, "Rosborough, Gala"
<Rosborough@pbworld.com<, "'Kacy'" <kcpeel@aol.com<, "Helms, Krista
M." <HelmsK@pbworld.com<
Subject: FW: 70'S CHILD
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:13:26 -0400
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< <
< < <
< < <
< < <1. You wore that rainbow shirt that was half-sleeves and the
< < rainbow went
< < up
< < <one sleeve, across your chest and down the other.
< < <2. You made baby chocolate cakes in your Holly Hobbie Easy Bake
< <
< < Oven. You
< < <washed them down with The Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.
< < <3. You had that Fisher Price Doctor's kit with a stethoscope
< < that
< < actually
< < <worked. After training with these tools you became an expert
< < at
< < the game
< < of
< < <"operation".
< < <4. Legos, Legos, Legos
< < <5. You owned a schwin bicycle with a floral banana seat and a
< < basket. In
< < <the early 80's you moved onto the ever popular 10 speed. Gosh
< < that
< < seat
< < <hurt.
< < <6. Your rollerskates had metal wheels.
< < <7. Admit it......you thought Gopher from Love Boat was cute.
< < You
< < had
< < <nightmares after watching Fantasy Island.
< < <8. You had rubber boots for rainy days. Your shoes actually
< < fit
< < inside of
< < <the boots (with a little help from your mom and some plastic
< < bags).
< < <9. You had Sea Wees in your bath tub.
< < <10. You had either a "bowl cut" or a "pixie" (not to mention
< < the
< < "Dorothy
< < <Hamill") because your mom was sick of braiding your hair. How
< < traumatic
< < <when people thought you were a boy.
< < <11. Your sleeping bag was your most prized possession.
< < <12. You wore a "poncho" with your faux fur "muff" and your
< < clogs.
< < <13. You begged Santa for the electronic game...Simon.
< < <14. You had the Donnie and Marie dolls with those pink and
< < purple
< < shredded
< < <outfits.
< < <15. You spent hours out back on your metal swing set with the
< < trapeze.
< < <16. You were into ping pong.
< < <17. You had homemade ribbon barrettes in every imaginable
< < color.
< < <18. You kept losing your mittens so your mom bought you the
< < kind
< < that were
< < <attached by a string.
< < <19. Your Hello Kitty pencil case was cuter than anyone else's.
< <
< < <20. You wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder really bad. You wore
< <
< < that Little
< < <House on the Prairie-inspired plaid, ruffled shirt with the
< < high
< < neck in at
< < <least one school picture. You despised Nelle Olson!
< < <21. You wanted your first kiss to be at the roller rink.
< < <22. You tried to make sure that no boys would grab the comb out
< < of
< < your
< < back
< < <pocket and skate away at the roller rink.
< < <23.Your hairstyle was ever described as having "wings".
< < <24.You thought Shaun Cassidy actually wrote the songs "Da Do
< < Run
< < Run" and
< < <"Hey There Lonely Girl".
< < <25. Strawberry Shortcake and her friends Blueberry Muffin and
< < Huckleberry
< < <Pie.
< < <26. You couldn't wait to be old enough to wear high-heeled
< < shoes....the
< < <one's called "Yo Yo's" with the plastic heel with a hole
< < through
< < it!!
< < <27. You carried a lunch box to school.
< < <28. You and your girlfriends would fight over which of the
< < Dukes of
< < Hazard
< < <was your boyfriend or who would get to be Ginger and who got
< < stuck
< < being
< < <Mary Anne.
< < <29. You memorized every song on the "Annie" movie and know at
< < least
< < one
< < <person who immediately went out and got the Annie do.
< < <30. You had Star Wars action figures, too.
< < <31. You thought unicorns were real.
< < <32. It was a big event in your household each year when the
< < "Wizard
< < of Oz"
< < <would come on TV. Break out the popcorn and sleeping bags!
< < <33. You wanted to be a part of the Von Trappe family.
< < <34. Light as a feather, stiff as a board.
< < <35. You loved The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe so much you
< < got
< < the
< < <whole Chronicles of Narnia series for Christmas but never read
< < the
< < other
< < <books.
< < <36. You crawled in a wardrobe somewhere and actually believed
< < for a
< < few
< < <seconds that you were on your way to Narnia.
< < <37. You completely wore-out your Grease, Saturday Night
< < Fever,Footloose and
< < <Flashdance soundtrack albums.
< < <38. You tried to do lots of arts and crafts things, like yarn &
< <
< < popsicle
< < <stick God's Eyes or those weird potholders made on a plastic
< < loom.
< < <39. Shrinky-dinks! What was so appealing about these?!
< < <40. You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding your
< <
< < portable
< < <tape recorder up to the speaker.
< < <41. You couldn't wait to get the free animal poster that came
< < when
< < you
< < <ordered books from the Scholastic book orders your teacher
< < would
< < give you.
< < <Remember?
< < <The order catalogs looked like miniature newspapers.
< < <42. You learned everything you needed to know about girl
< < issues
< < from Judy
< < <Blume books. Are you there God? It's me, Margaret.
< < <43. Care Bears.
< < <44. You thought Olivia Newton John's song "Physical" was about
< < aerobics.
< < <45. "Wiggles" jeans with the embroidery on the back pockets.
< < <46. Friendship pins which you wore on your tennis shoes.
< < <47. Shoelaces with heart or rainbow designs.
< < <48. You ever wore knickers.
< < <49. You collected Smurfs.
< < <50. You wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer.
< < <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
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