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Enron Mail |
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 07:54
AM --------------------------- Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: "C. Scott" <cscott@ala.net< 02/24/2000 06:15 AM Please respond to "C. Scott" <cscott@ala.net< To: "Wilbur & Betty Williams" <wbwilliams@flex.net<, "Travis Kelley" <tkelley@inetport.com<, "Susan Margaret Scott" <sscott5@enron.com<, "Pat and Paige Lentz" <mplentz@gsbpop.uchicago.edu<, "Mike Oldham" <moldham@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Kana, Kristi M." <kmkana@TexasChildrensHospital.org<, "Charlee Marshall Williamson" <cwilliamson@bacco.com< cc: Subject: Fw: You Know You're In Austin, TX When... -----Original Message----- From: Whitley, Stacie <SWhitley@tiaa-cref.org< To: 'cscott@ala.net' <cscott@ala.net< Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 9:37 AM Subject: FW: You Know You're In Austin, TX When... <Know you can relate to this one! < << -----Original Message----- << From: Kevin P. Kellar [SMTP:kkellar@m3designinc.com] << Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:25 AM << To: SWhitley@tiaa-cref.org; Mark & Stacie Whitley; Agnes Whitley << Subject: FW: You Know You're In Austin, TX When... << << << YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN AUSTIN WHEN... << << Your co-worker tells you they have 8 body piercings, but none are visible. << << You make over $100,000 and still can't afford a house. << << You never bother looking at the Captial Metro schedule because you know << the << drivers have never seen it. << << You've been to more than one baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm << donor. << << You have a very strong opinion where your coffee beans are grown and can << taste the difference between Samatran and Ethiopian. << << A really great parking space can bring you to tears. << << You know that anyone wearing pants in November is just visiting from Ohio. << << Your child's 3rd grade teacher has two pierced ears, a nose ring and is << named "Breeze." And, after telling that to a friend, they still need to << ask if the teacher is male or female. << << You are thinking of taking an adult education class but you can't decide << between Yoga, Aromatherapy, Conversational Mandarin or one on building << your << own website. << << You haven't been to Hippie Hollow since the first month you moved to << Austin. << << A man walks on The Drag in full leather regalia and crotchless chaps..... << You don't notice. << << A woman walks on The Drag with live poultry.....You don't notice. << << You think any guy with a George Clooney haircut must be visiting from the << Midwest. << << You know that any woman with a George Clooney haircut is not a tourist. << << You keep a list of compaies to boycott. << << Your hairdresser is straight, your plumber is gay, the man who delivers << your mail is straight, and your Mary Kay Lady is a guy in drag. << << You occasionally see a guy on a unicycle whiz buy you while you're in your << car and you say to yourself, "Oh yeah, it's that guy again...." << << You start to worry when you don't see the cross-dressing, bearded guy << in-a-tutu-and-bikini-top-who-has-made-a-statement-with-his-grocery-cart- << and-cardboard-box-art/shelter on your way to work in the morning. << << You'll make dinner or bar plans around who's got the best margaritas. << << You have a tough time deciding on one of Austin's six 24-hour eating << options (IHOP, Denny's, Katz', Kerby, Stars, or Magnolia Cafe) << << You complain about their prices but still shop at Central Market for the << scene. << << You don't even think about getting good seats to the Longhorn's football << games. << << You know the exact locations of three towing yards. << << Your summer shoes are your Birks and your winter shoes are your Birks with << socks. << << Your entire wardrobe consists of: a black tank-top, a GAP white T-shirt, << second hand Levi's, second hand cut-off Levi's, overalls, Longhorn sweats, << anything polyester from the 70s, a bikini, Tevas, Birks, and running << shoes. << << Dressing up to go out for a woman means throwing a tank top on over the << sports bra you've had on all day because it's so DAMN HOT! << << You often find yourself wondering why magazine editors insist that << swimsuit season starts on Memorial Day when it's really the end of << February or at the latest, the beginning of March. << << You consider chips, salsa, Kerby Queso, and Shiner Bock Beer a << well-balanced meal. << << You find yourself making beaded necklaces to give as Christmas gifts. << << 100 degrees for three straight months isn't unreasonalble, 110 degrees is. << (And 90 degrees anywhere between May and September seems a bit chilly) << << You figure skin cancer is inevitable beacuse it is so hot that even your << sunscreen won't stay on. << << When you go out, you make sure you've grabbed you waterbottle before << checking to see if you've got your wallet and keys. << << You don't mind parking a mile away as long as it's in the shade. << << You spend so much time at MoJo's Coffee House you finally start bringing << in << your own CD's for the staff to play. << << Your professor decides in the middle of the Government lecture that now's << as good of time as ever to tell his class of 500 he's gay. Like you << didn't << know. Like you even care. << << (Gals) You ask yourself constantly if that's a cute guy or a butch girl. << << And you don't really care either way because it's fun to wonder. << << You'd rather ride your bike than get in a car without air conditioning. << At least on your bike, you're guaranteed a breeze regardless of traffic. << << You see more Texas flags flying than American flags. << << << << << << << < <