Enron Mail

Subject:OBA Agreement
Date:Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:53:00 -0800 (PST)

Susan - Could you please review this and then let's talk. Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron on
11/17/2000 08:53 AM ---------------------------

"Grace, Michael" <Grace.Michael@EPEnergy.com< on 11/16/2000 09:43:24 AM
To: "'Lorraine.Lindberg@enron.com'" <Lorraine.Lindberg@enron.com<
cc: "Thompson, Kevin" <Thompson.Kevin@EPEnergy.com<

Subject: OBA Agreement

I am filling the position that Darin Aucoin vacated this week. I will be
your contact for the Transwestern and El Paso Field Services interconnect
currently being negotiated. Attached is a redline version of the
Operational Balance Agreement which has been reviewed by EPFS' legal
department. There are a few questions I have that we need to discuss at
your earliest convenience. You can reach me at 713-420-7338.

Thank you Lorraine and I look forward to working with you soon.

<<TW new OBA.doc<<

Michael P. Grace
Project Manager
El Paso Field Services, Co.

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- TW new OBA.doc