Enron Mail

Subject:Organization Announcement
Date:Thu, 12 Oct 2000 05:06:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 12:=
PM ---------------------------
Enron Global Markets LLC - Office of the Chairman

From: Enron Global Markets LLC - Office of the Chairman@ENRON on 10/12/2000=
11:36 AM
Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
To: ENA and EGM Employees, Enron Industrial Markets, Enron Europe
cc: Executive Committee and Assistants=20
Subject: Organization Announcement

We are pleased to announce the following organization changes within Enron=
Global Markets (EGM).

Larry Lawyer will be joining EGM effective immediately to lead our new=20
finance activities. In this role, he will work with all commodity products=
assets, and teams worldwide to lever our existing businesses with this new=
focus. Larry has worked as treasurer and was responsible for 3rd party=20
financing for EBS for the last year. He has worked for Enron for 4 1/2 yea=
in various positions in the finance area. He will be reporting to the Offi=
of the Chairman.

Eric Gonzales will be joining the LNG team and will co-head this effort wit=
Rick Bergsieker. We believe there is significant opportunity in the=20
worldwide LNG markets, and Eric will direct all merchant activity and focus=
on the Atlantic regions of the world. He will also manage the LNG shipping=
book. Eric is located in the London office and also has responsibility for=
leading the newly formed Pool Markets origination group reporting to Joe=20
Gold. =20

Rick Bergsieker has relocated to Dubai, in the UAE. He is responsible for=
all Middle East activities and projects, managing the Puerto Rico assets an=
will co-head the worldwide LNG efforts. Rick has over 20 years of LNG=20
experience and together, he and Eric will form an outstanding leadership te=
as we expand Enron=01,s LNG activities around the world. They both will re=
to the Office of the Chairman. =20

Jennifer Fraser will come over and develop our market fundamentals group fo=
all products in EGM, much like ENA natural gas and power fundamentals and=
Intranet pages existing today. Previously, Jennifer was working in the Mid=
Market origination group. Heather Purcell will be joining this group=20
developing the commercial interface for our Intranet page. Heather was wit=
Azurix, where she worked on the platform interface for their eBusiness=20

Gary Hickerson will be chairing our Traders=01, Roundtable. This new group=
be comprised of traders across Enron's wholesale trading and risk managemen=
businesses. This forum will give traders the opportunity to discuss topics=
important to their individual markets, and to learn and explore other marke=
in a macro sense. Also, we will be forming a cross-commodity trading group=
. =20
Traders who have shown extremely strong and consistent profitability will=
have the opportunity to join this group and to exploit cross-commodity=20
opportunities with a bias toward structural shifts in markets. This group=
will not be involved in customer activity and will execute through our=20
principal desks. Gary will manage this new group, as well as continuing=
with his current F/X, Rates, Equity, and Agriculture initiatives.=20

Please join us in congratulating everyone on their new positions. =20
Organization charts outlining the entire EGM organization are available upo=
request from Cathy Phillips.