Enron Mail

To:lisa.a.meador@chase.com, jkbowles@hotmail.com, sscott5@enron.com,ashleastu@aol.com, rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
Subject:RE: A Christmas Tasters
Date:Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:04:00 -0800 (PST)

I am definitely out on the 12th. I have either a final or class from 7-10
that night.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Lisa.A.Meador@chase.com [SMTP:Lisa.A.Meador@chase.com]
< Sent: Monday, November 20,2000 9:05 AM
< To: jkbowles@hotmail.com; sscott5@enron.com; ashleastu@aol.com;
< julianna.grisham@halliburton.com; rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
< Subject: Re: A Christmas Tasters
< Could we change the date to Tuesday, December 12th? So far, I have two
< votes
< for a girls party with a gift exchange. Email me back about the new date
< and
< your opinion on restaurant choices and type of party.
< Thanks!! Happy early Thanksgiving!
< ---------------------- Forwarded by Lisa A. Meador/CHASE on 11/20/2000
< 09:07 AM
< ---------------------------
< "Sarah Buck" <sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com< on 11/19/2000 12:20:29 AM
< To: Lisa A. Meador/CHASE@CHASE, jkbowles@hotmail.com,
< ashleastu@aol.com,
< julianna.grisham@halliburton.com,
< sscott5@enron.com, rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
< cc:
< Subject: Re: A Christmas Tasters
< Lisa-You are so cute!!! I love both of your fun ideas. Either one is
< great
< with me. Considering my man in a million miles away I may have to come
< stag!!!! As far as the date (calendar date)I am actually leaving town on
< the 13th. I know I am probably cause trouble, but if we could do it maybe
< earlier that week. I know you working folks have office parties etc. so
< this might not be possible and it might be hard to get people to go out on
< a
< Mon or Tues. These are just my thougths!!!!!! Can't wait to see
< everyone!
< Sarah
< <From: <Lisa.A.Meador@chase.com<
< <To: jkbowles@hotmail.com, ashleastu@aol.com,
< <julianna.grisham@halliburton.com, sscott5@enron.com,
< <sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com, rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
< <Subject: A Christmas Tasters
< <Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:55:23 -0600
< <
< <
< <
< <Hey guys!
< <
< <It is that time of year when everything gets SO crazy, so I am
< <thinking.........
< <we need to plan our Taster's Finale ahead of time so we can all mark our
< <calendars and so we can find a place!
< <
< <Here are some thoughts: we could do a boy/girl Taster's where we all
< <invite
< <some of our friends, guys and girls to join us and we rent out a room at
< a
< <restaurant. Or we could have just girls and have a really nice Christmas
< <celebration at a cool restaurant and do "Secret Santa". Either way, it
< <would be
< <a blast.
< <
< <How does Thursday, Dec 14th sound?
< <
< <So, here is what I need: your vote on............... the type of party,
< <then
< <what restaurant that goes with that idea, then affirmation of the date.
< <
< <Get excited girls! This is going to be fun!
< <
< <Love you guys,
< <Lisa
< <
< <
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