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Enron Mail |
Dear Judge Biren:
The Core Aggregators sponsoring the prepared testimony of Richard H. Counihan (California Utility Buyers JPA; Enron Corp.; Regional Energy Management Coalition; School Project for Utility Rate Reduction; Shell Energy Services, LLC; TXU Energy Services, Inc.; United Energy Management, Inc.; and Utility.com) provide the following information in advance of the May 25 prehearing conference: 1. Exhibits: The prepared direct testimony of Mr. Counihan is identified as Exhibit 7; Mr. Counihan's prepared rebuttal testimony is identified as Exhibit 13. Both of these identified exhibits will be offered into evidence at the hearing. 2. Direct Examination: The Core Aggregators estimate only a few minutes of direct examination of Mr. Counihan. 3. Cross-Examination: The Core Aggregators estimate the following cross-examination: Michel Florio (TURN ) -- 3/4 hour Cathy Yap (SDG&E) -- 1/2 hour James Weil (Aglet) -- 1/4 hour Larry Black (Southwest Gas) -- 1/4 hour These estimates of cross-examination are subject to revision in the event that the referenced witnesses, or other witnesses, testify with respect to matters that are outside the scope of their prepared testimony. Counsel for the Core Aggregators will be present at the May 25 prehearing conference to respond to any questions. Thank you. -John Leslie ************** CONFIDENTIAL Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP 600 West Broadway Suite 2600 San Diego, CA 92101-3391 (619) 236-1414 The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is confidential and intended to be sent only to the stated recipient of the transmission. It may therefore be protected from unauthorized use or dissemination by the attorney-client and/or attorney work-product privileges. If you are not the intended recipient or the intended recipient's agent, you are hereby notified that any review, use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. You are also asked to notify us immediately by telephone and to return the original document to us immediately by mail at the address above. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. -----Original Message----- From: PJPowerLaw@aol.com [mailto:PJPowerLaw@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:46 PM To: alb@cpuc.ca.gov; GSullivan@sempra.com; hayley@turn.org; alan_reid@pcp.ca; andy.bettwy@swgas.com; aod@newsdata.com; askaff@energy-law-group.com; bcragg@gmssr.com; bho@cpuc.ca.gov; bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us; burkee@cts.com; bwood@energy.state.ca.us; ceyap@earthlink.net; chilen@llgm.com; chris.king@utility.com; craigc@calpine.com; davef@abag.ca.gov; dcarroll@dbsr.com; ed@clfp.com; edf@cpuc.ca.gov; eke@aelaw.com; eklinkner@ci.pasadena.ca.us; epoole@adplaw.com; evk1@pge.com; ewo@jmbm.com; eyq@cpuc.ca.gov; furutanj@efawest.navfac.navy.mil; garyb@abag.ca.gov; gbudin@energy.state.ca.us; ghinners@reliantenergy.com; grant_kolling@cerberus.city.palo-alto.ca.us; gtbl@dynegy.com; iep@iepa.com; igsinc@ix.netcom.com; inggm@sce.com; jcattermole@pcenergy.com; jkarp@whitecase.com; jleslie@luce.com; jmct@gmssr.com; jmpa@dynegy.com; johnj@bcjlaw.com; joseh@lif.org; jsteffen@iid.com; jweil@aglet.org; jwr@cpuc.ca.gov; karen@klindh.com; karpjos@sf.whitecase.com; kfyip@seiworldwide.com; kmccrea@sablaw.com; kmills@cfbf.com; lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com; lmh@eslawfirm.com; ltt@cpuc.ca.gov; mark.c.moench@wgp.twc.com; mcn@cpuc.ca.gov; mday@gmssr.com; mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com; mjaske@energy.state.ca.us; napedersen@jonesday.com; plg@cpuc.ca.gov; ram@cpuc.ca.gov; raveen_maan@cerberus.city.palo-alto.ca.us; raw@cpuc.ca.gov; rbw@mrwassoc.com; RCzahar@aol.com; rgloistein@orrick.com; rick.counihan@greenmountain.com; rmp@cpuc.ca.gov; rochmanm@cubjpa.org; rochmanm@spurr.org; ron_oechsler@rmiinc.com; RonKnecht@aol.com; rpelote@energy.twc.com; rpetti@ladwp.com; salleyoo@dwt.com; sbs@cpuc.ca.gov; skatz@sempratrading.com; slins@ci.glendale.ca.us; sscott3@enron.com; stomashe@energy.state.ca.us; tah@cpuc.ca.gov; tdickers@westerngas.com; tom.roth@et.pge.com; vjb@cpuc.ca.gov; marcel@turn.org Subject: Re: I.99-07-003 Dear Judge Biren: Pursuant to your instructions regarding procedures for serving testimony and preparing exhibits, I submit the following information on behalf of Long Beach. a, List of exhibits Long Beach intends to offer two exhibits: Ex. 200, the prepared direct testimony of Elizabeth Wright, and Ex. 201, the prepared rebuttal testimony of Elizabeth Wright. b. estimate of direct and cross-examination time Long Beach estimates only a few minutes of direct examination. Regarding cross-examination, Long Beach's estimates are necessarily preliminary and incomplete (apparently I did not receive all of the direct testimony) in light of the recent filing of rebuttal testimony. Current estimates are as follows: Ladd Lorenz, SoCalGas - 4 hr. Eric Nelson, SoCalGas - 2 hr. R. Thomas Beach, various parties - 2 hr. Paul Amirault, Wild Goose - 1/2 hour Jeffrey Dasovich, Enron - 1/2 hour John Burkholder, Western Hub Properties - 11/2 hour Florio/Weil/Yap, Turn, et al - 2 hours There may be additional witnesses, depending on information at the prehearing conference. Patrick Power