Enron Mail

To:bcherry@sempra.com, alexanms@sce.com, paulamirault@aec.ca,david.bayless@utility.com, tomb@crossborderenergy.com, burkee@cts.com, craigc@calpine.com, rick.counihan@greenmountain.com, jdasovic@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, bdingwall@unitedgas.com, dougla
Subject:RE: Lad's Direct Testimony - Comprehensive Settlement Agreement
Date:Thu, 4 May 2000 07:46:00 -0700 (PDT)


In keeping with Section of the settlement regarding direct connect
the following changes need to be made.

PG7 Line 12 needs to be changed from "Delivery points are defined as the
local transmission system, storage, receipt point pools, and the city gate
pool." to "Delivery points include the local transmission system, storage,
receipt point pools, and the city gate pool."

PG7 Line 20 "Local Transmission user facilities are not to access and
deliver gas supplies from receipt points." needs to be eliminated.

Parties agreed to put this battle off until later. Testimony should not
give any preference to one side or the other. These changes move the
arguments to the center.


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Cherry, Brian - TPBKC [SMTP:BCherry@sempra.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 5:34 PM
< To: Cherry, Brian - TPBKC; AlexanMS@sce.com; paulamirault@aec.ca;
< david.bayless@utility.com; Tomb@crossborderenergy.com; Burkee@cts.com;
< Craigc@calpine.com; Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com; Jdasovic@enron.com;
< Mday@gmssr.com; bdingwall@unitedgas.com; Douglass@arterhadden.com;
< eke@aelaw.com; Jfawcet@enron.com; rfoss@coral-energy.com; plg@cpuc.ca.gov;
< johnj@bcjlaw.com; Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu; karpjos@sf.whitecase.com;
< jleslie@luce.com; kmccrea@sablaw.com; jmpa@dynegy.com; rmp@cpuc.ca.gov;
< porterdk@sce.com; RochmanM@cubjpa.org; RochmanM@spurr.org;
< susan.scott@enron.com; Beamish, Richard - TPRMB; Betonte, Robert - TP2RSB;
< Brill, Thomas R.; Cotton, Gary; Davis, Robert E.; Davis, Steven D.; Fair,
< Pam; Follett, B. David - TPDBF; Fong, Ed; Freeman, Kimberly; Gaines, Mark
< - TPMFG; Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH; Hay, James E.; Hubbard, Lisa J.;
< Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL; McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM; Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM;
< Purves, Ralph A.; Reed, William; Sakarias, Wayne P.; Schavrien, Lee;
< Smith, Anne S. - TPASS; Sullivan, Glen J.; Surak, Thomas M. - TP1TMS;
< Suwara, J.- TPJUS; Takemura, Earl - TPEKT; Teeter, James S.; Van Lierop,
< Jan - TP2JXV; Watson, Steven - TP2SAW; Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW; Barker,
< David - TPDTB; 'How-Downing, Lindsey'; 'Jun, Christine'; 'Gileau, Pat';
< 'Khoury, Dexter'; ack@aelaw.com
< Subject: FW: Lad's Direct Testimony - Comprehensive Settlement
< Agreement
< Importance: High
< Sensitivity: Confidential
< Attached for your review and comment is the second draft testimony of Lad
< Lorenz on capacity-related matters. Please forward your comments to Lad
< by COB Thursday.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Nilarp, Margarita - TP3MXM
< Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 5:22 PM
< To: Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL; Cherry, Brian - TPBKC
< Subject: Lad's Direct Testimony - Comprehensive Settlement
< Agreement
< Importance: High
< Sensitivity: Confidential
< <<girtestlorenz503.doc<< <<ATTACHMENT1.doc<<
< <<ATTACHMENT4.xls<< <<ATTACHMENT6.doc<< <<ATTACHMENT 7.xls<<
< <<ATTACHMENT8.xls<<
< << File: girtestlorenz503.doc << << File: ATTACHMENT1.doc << << File:
< ATTACHMENTS235.xls << << File: ATTACHMENT4MAP.doc << << File:
< ATTACHMENT4.xls << << File: ATTACHMENT6.doc << << File: ATTACHMENT 7.xls
< << << File: ATTACHMENT8.xls <<