Enron Mail

To:jeffery.fawcett@enron.com, bcherry@sempra.com
Subject:RE: Rebuttal Testimony Conference Call - Assignments and Testimon y
Date:Mon, 8 May 2000 08:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: susan.scott@enron.com, mbaldwin@igservice.com
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Bcc: susan.scott@enron.com, mbaldwin@igservice.com
X-From: "Cherry, Brian - TPBKC" <BCherry@sempra.com<
X-To: "'Jeffery.Fawcett@enron.com'" <Jeffery.Fawcett@enron.com<, "Cherry, Brian - TPBKC" <BCherry@sempra.com<
X-cc: Susan.Scott@enron.com, mbaldwin@igservice.com
X-Folder: \Susan_Scott_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: SCOTT-S
X-FileName: sscott3.nsf

Sorry for the timing east of California.? There was no other time

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffery.Fawcett@enron.com [mailto:Jeffery.Fawcett@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 2:31 PM
To: Cherry, Brian - TPBKC
Cc: Susan.Scott@enron.com; mbaldwin@igservice.com
Subject: Rebuttal Testimony Conference Call - Assignments and Testimony

I'm out of pocket tomorrow afternoon 5-7 p.m. CDT.?? I'll ask Susan Scott
and/or Mark Baldwin if they can represent TW on the call.

"Cherry, Brian - TPBKC" <BCherry@sempra.com< on 05/08/2000 03:33:46 PM

To:?? "Cherry, Brian - TPBKC" <BCherry@sempra.com<, "'AlexanMS@sce.com'"
????? <AlexanMS@sce.com<, "'paulamirault@aec.ca'" <paulamirault@aec.ca<,
????? "'david.bayless@utility.com'" <david.bayless@utility.com<,
????? "'Tomb@crossborderenergy.com'" <Tomb@crossborderenergy.com<,
????? "'Burkee@cts.com'" <Burkee@cts.com<, "'Craigc@calpine.com'"
????? <Craigc@calpine.com<, "'Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com'"
????? <Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com<, "'Jdasovic@enron.com'"
????? <Jdasovic@enron.com<, "'Mday@gmssr.com'" <Mday@gmssr.com<,
????? "'bdingwall@unitedgas.com'" <bdingwall@unitedgas.com<,
????? "'Douglass@arterhadden.com'" <Douglass@arterhadden.com<,
????? "'eke@aelaw.com'" <eke@aelaw.com<, "'Jfawcet@enron.com'"
????? <Jfawcet@enron.com<, "'rfoss@coral-energy.com'"
????? <rfoss@coral-energy.com<, "'plg@cpuc.ca.gov'" <plg@cpuc.ca.gov<,
????? "'johnj@bcjlaw.com'" <johnj@bcjlaw.com<, "'Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu'"
????? <Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu<, "'karpjos@sf.whitecase.com'"
????? <karpjos@sf.whitecase.com<, "'jleslie@luce.com'" <jleslie@luce.com<,
????? "'kmccrea@sablaw.com'" <kmccrea@sablaw.com<, "'jmpa@dynegy.com'"
????? <jmpa@dynegy.com<, "'rmp@cpuc.ca.gov'" <rmp@cpuc.ca.gov<,
????? "'porterdk@sce.com'" <porterdk@sce.com<, "'RochmanM@cubjpa.org'"
????? <RochmanM@cubjpa.org<, "'RochmanM@spurr.org'" <RochmanM@spurr.org<,
????? "'susan.scott@enron.com'" <susan.scott@enron.com<, "Betonte, Robert -
????? TP2RSB" <RBetonte@socalgas.com<, "Brill, Thomas R."
????? <TBrill@sempra.com<, "Davis, Robert E." <REDavis@sempra.com<,
????? "Follett, B. David - TPDBF" <DFollett@sempra.com<, "Fong, Ed"
????? <EFong@SDGE.com<, "Freeman, Kimberly" <KFreeman@sempra.com<, "Gaines,
????? Mark - TPMFG" <MGaines@socalgas.com<, "Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH"
????? <JHarrigan@socalgas.com<, "Hay, James E." <JHay@sempra.com<,
????? "Hubbard, Lisa J." <LJHubbard@sempra.com<, "Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL"
????? <LLorenz@socalgas.com<, "McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM"
????? <NMcVay@socalgas.com<, "Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM"
????? <RMorrow@socalgas.com<, "Purves, Ralph A." <RPurves@SDGE.com<, "Reed,
????? William" <WReed@sempra.com<, "Sakarias, Wayne P."
????? <WSakarias@SDGE.com<, "Schavrien, Lee" <LSchavrien@sempra.com<,
????? "Smith, Anne S. - TPASS" <ASmith@sempra.com<, "Sullivan, Glen J."
????? <GSullivan@sempra.com<, "Surak, Thomas M. - TP1TMS"
????? <TSurak@socalgas.com<, "Suwara, J.- TPJUS" <JSuwara@sempra.com<,
????? "Takemura, Earl - TPEKT" <ETakemura@socalgas.com<, "Teeter, James S."
????? <JTeeter@SDGE.com<, "Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV" <tp2jxv@socalgas.com<,
????? "Watson, Steven - TP2SAW" <SWatson@socalgas.com<, "Wright, Gillian -
????? TP1GXW" <GWright@sempra.com<, "Barker, David - TPDTB"
????? <DBarker@socalgas.com<, "'How-Downing, Lindsey'"
????? <lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com<, "'Jun, Christine'" <chj@aelaw.com<,
????? "'Gileau, Pat'" <plg@cpuc.ca.gov<, "'Khoury, Dexter'"
????? <bsl@cpuc.ca.gov<, "'ack@aelaw.com'" <ack@aelaw.com<, "Nelson, Eric
????? B. - TPEBN" <ENelson@socalgas.com<, "Bisi, David - TP1DMB"
????? <DBisi@socalgas.com<, "Mumford, Joel - TP4JDM"
????? <JMumford@socalgas.com<, "Tom, Gwoon - TPGYT" <GTom@socalgas.com<,
????? "Suwara, J.- TPJUS" <JSuwara@sempra.com<, "Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW"
????? <GWright@sempra.com<, "Mumford, Joel - TP4JDM"
????? <JMumford@socalgas.com<, "Teeter, James S." <JTeeter@SDGE.com<,
????? "Scott, Addis B." <AScott@SDGE.com<

Subject:? Rebuttal Testimony Conference Call - Assignments and Testimony C

I have scheduled a conference call for Tuesday, May 9, from 3:00PM-5:00PM
to discuss our rebuttal testimony on the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement
that is due on Friday, May 19.? I know many of you are still recovering
from the direct testimony (which looks fabulous, compelling and persuasive)
but we now need to focus our attention on rebuttal.? Call in number is
1-800-720-5846? Confirmation number is 6185854.

I'm looking for feedback on the best approach to rebuttal and I have a few
suggestions.? First, I would like to limit the testimony to witnesses who
have already filed direct testimony.? Unless we absolutely need to add
additional witnesses, my preference is to stop while we are ahead.? Adding
more witnesses will make it increasingly difficult to convince the ALJ that
the panel approach will work.? Second, although this is rebuttal testimony,
it is not typical rebuttal.? ALJ Biren reserved this rebuttal for parties
opposing settlements to state their case.? In as much as we can work in
issues that are objectionable from direct, we should do so.? Nonetheless,
we should try and focus our testimony on those things in the Post-Interim
that are objectionable and inconsistent with the Commission's Most
Promising Options.? I would use all of our "powder" on the Post-Interim
arguments and limit our opinions on the viability of the Interim (at least
some of the Interim signatories will take this approach).?? We will also
need to address issues raised by PG&E, Long Beach and others, but it should
not take up a lot of ink.

I would like to portion out the assignments to the Post-Interim as follows:

SoCalGas??????? ??????? Historical reply to reasonability of capacity
contracts, assignments, and step-downs
SoCalGas??????? ??????? Shareholder risk/reward; consistency with the
Global Settlement; ratepayer sharing
SoCalGas??????? ??????? Montebello
SoCalGas??????? ??????? Information disclosure
ORA???? ??????? ??????? Gas Accord as the appropriate regulatory policy
Dynegy/Watson/Enron???? Unbundling transmission benefits all customers,
especially electric generators; RMRs
and Edison
WHP/WGS ??????? Storage unbundling
TXU/Shell?????? ??????? Core capacity unbundling; self-balancing
GreenMountain?? ??????? Failure to address retail issues

I am not suggesting this is a comprehensive list and if I have missed
something, speak now.?? I would like us to get our first draft out to
parties no later than noon Monday, May 15.? Sorry folks, but we're running
out of time.