Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Rebuttal testimony (draft) on behalf of TW
Date:Tue, 16 May 2000 03:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

A really excellent job on the rebuttal testimony, Susan. Jeff makes some
very important points to support the unbundling of capacity. I have no
additions to suggest. Mike Day

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan.Scott@enron.com [mailto:Susan.Scott@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 7:51 AM
To: Cherry, Brian - TPBKC; 'MBD'; 'Leslie, John'; 'Elsesser, Evie';
'McCrea, Keith'; 'Pocta, R. Mark'; 'Dasovich, Jeff'; 'Beach, Tom';
'Burkholder, John'; 'Amirault, Paul'; 'Alexander, Michael'; 'Chancellor,
Craig'; 'Dingwall, B.'; 'Douglass, Dan@SES'; 'Fawcett, Jeff'; 'Porter,
Doug'; 'Rochman, Michael'; 'Counihan, Rick'; 'Bayless, David'; 'Paul,
Joe'; 'Jimison, John'; 'Foss, Robert'; McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM; 'Gileau,
Pat'; 'Johnson, Pamela'; 'How-Downing, Lindsey'; 'Scott, Susan';
'Baldwin, Mark'; 'Jun, Christine'; Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL; Sullivan, Glen
Subject: Rebuttal testimony (draft) on behalf of TW

Transwestern has drafted the attached rebuttal testimony in response to
testimony filed by Kern River and the Post-Interim Settlement parties.
Please let me know if you have comments.

(See attached file: GIR Rebuttal.doc)