Enron Mail

To:enelson@socalgas.com, alexanms@sce.com, paulamirault@aec.ca,david.bayless@utility.com, tomb@crossborderenergy.com, burkee@cts.com, craigc@calpine.com, rick.counihan@greenmountain.com, jdasovic@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, bdingwall@unitedgas.com, doug
Subject:RE: Retail Testimony
Cc:dbarker@socalgas.com, dfollett@sempra.com, lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com
Bcc:dbarker@socalgas.com, dfollett@sempra.com, lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com
Date:Thu, 4 May 2000 06:24:00 -0700 (PDT)


I would like the following sentences added under the I. Pilot Meter and
Meter Add-on Ownership Program.

"Customer ownership of meters and add-ons reduces the cost of new facilities
through the avoidance of the tax gross-up on contributions in aid of
construction. This can be a significant dollar amount for large
interconnections which require special facilities which are paid by the
requesting customer."

Please insert this between the 2nd and 3rd full sentences of the first
paragraph. With this change, I do not think any additional testimony needs
to be filed on the meter issues. This is the same approach in the PG&E
settlement and is not a Norm or Turn or Longbeach issue. Any opposition can
be addressed in rebuttal.



< -----Original Message-----
< From: Nelson, Eric B. - TPEBN [SMTP:ENelson@socalgas.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 2:09 PM
< To: 'AlexanMS@sce.com'; 'paulamirault@aec.ca';
< 'david.bayless@utility.com'; 'Tomb@crossborderenergy.com';
< 'Burkee@cts.com'; 'Craigc@calpine.com'; 'Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com';
< 'Jdasovic@enron.com'; 'Mday@gmssr.com'; 'bdingwall@unitedgas.com';
< 'Douglass@arterhadden.com'; 'eke@aelaw.com'; 'Jfawcet@enron.com';
< 'rfoss@coral-energy.com'; 'plg@cpuc.ca.gov'; 'johnj@bcjlaw.com';
< 'Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu'; 'karpjos@sf.whitecase.com';
< 'jleslie@luce.com'; 'kmccrea@sablaw.com'; 'jmpa@dynegy.com';
< 'rmp@cpuc.ca.gov'; 'porterdk@sce.com'; 'RochmanM@cubjpa.org';
< 'RochmanM@spurr.org'; 'susan.scott@enron.com'; Beamish, Richard - TPRMB;
< Betonte, Robert - TP2RSB; Brill, Thomas R.; Cotton, Gary; Davis, Robert
< E.; Davis, Steven D.; Fair, Pam; Fong, Ed; Freeman, Kimberly; Gaines, Mark
< - TPMFG; Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH; Hay, James E.; Hubbard, Lisa J.;
< Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL; McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM; Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM;
< Peterson, Lorraine - TP1LMP; Purves, Ralph A.; Rawlings, Roy - TP4RMR;
< Reed, Debra L. - TP3DLR; Reed, William; Sakarias, Wayne P.; Schavrien,
< Lee; Smith, Anne S. - TPASS; Stewart, Lee M. - TP4LMS; Sullivan, Glen J.;
< Surak, Thomas M. - TP1TMS; Suwara, J.- TPJUS; Takemura, Earl - TPEKT;
< Teeter, James S.; Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV; Watson, Steven - TP2SAW;
< Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW; Cherry, Brian - TPBKC
< Cc: Barker, David - TPDTB; Follett, B. David - TPDBF
< Subject: Retail Testimony
< Importance: High
< Attached is a final draft of my GIR retail testimony. As with the
< first draft, please e-mail comments to:
< Eric Nelson at ENelson@socalgas.com
< Dave Follett at DFollett@sempra.com
< Dave Barker at DBarker@socalgas.com
< Comments are needed by noon tomorrow, Thursday, May 4. Thank you.
< Thank you.
< <<nelson_testimony_502c.doc<<
< Eric Nelson
< (213) 244-4250
< (213) 244-8088 FAX
< enelson@socalgas.com
< << File: nelson_testimony_502c.doc <<