Enron Mail

To:bcherry@sempra.com, alexanms@sce.com, paulamirault@aec.ca,david.bayless@utility.com, tomb@crossborderenergy.com, burkee@cts.com, craigc@calpine.com, rick.counihan@greenmountain.com, jdasovic@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, bdingwall@unitedgas.com, dougla
Subject:RE: e-mail Alert and Testimony Finalization
Date:Fri, 5 May 2000 01:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

I am resending this because many of you have noted to me that you never
received it.? It appears we are still having difficulty transmitting from
LA.?? I am asking Glen Sullivan, once he receives this, to re-forward it to
you.? He is on a system that is working.

-----Original Message-----
From:?? Cherry, Brian - TPBKC
Sent:?? Friday, May 05, 2000 8:05 AM
To:???? Cherry, Brian - TPBKC; 'AlexanMS@sce.com'; 'paulamirault@aec.ca';
'david.bayless@utility.com'; 'Tomb@crossborderenergy.com'; 'Burkee@cts.com';
'Craigc@calpine.com'; 'Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com';
'Jdasovic@enron.com'; 'Mday@gmssr.com'; 'bdingwall@unitedgas.com';
'Douglass@arterhadden.com'; 'eke@aelaw.com'; 'Jfawcet@enron.com';
'rfoss@coral-energy.com'; 'plg@cpuc.ca.gov'; 'johnj@bcjlaw.com';
'Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu'; 'karpjos@sf.whitecase.com'; 'jleslie@luce.com';
'kmccrea@sablaw.com'; 'jmpa@dynegy.com'; 'rmp@cpuc.ca.gov';
'porterdk@sce.com'; 'RochmanM@cubjpa.org'; 'RochmanM@spurr.org';
'susan.scott@enron.com'; Beamish, Richard - TPRMB; Betonte, Robert - TP2RSB;
Brill, Thomas R.; Cotton, Gary; Davis, Robert E.; Davis, Steven D.; Fair,
Pam; Follett, B. David - TPDBF; Fong, Ed; Freeman, Kimberly; Gaines, Mark -
TPMFG; Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH; Hay, James E.; Hubbard, Lisa J.; Lorenz,
Lad - TPLPL; McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM; Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM; Purves, Ralph A.;
Reed, William; Sakarias, Wayne P.; Schavrien, Lee; Smith, Anne S. -? TPASS;
Sullivan, Glen J.; Surak, Thomas M. - TP1TMS; Suwara, J.- TPJUS; Takemura,
Earl - TPEKT; Teeter, James S.; Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV; Watson, Steven -
TP2SAW; Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW; Barker, David - TPDTB; 'How-Downing,
Lindsey'; 'Jun, Christine'; 'Gileau, Pat'; 'Khoury, Dexter'; 'ack@aelaw.com'

Subject:??????? e-mail Alert and Testimony Finalization

As a result of the ILOVEYOU virus that was sent out yesterday, e-mail traffic
from and to SoCalGas, SDG&E and the Sempra Companies was interfered with and
was not received.? If there were substantive changes requested for Lad or
Eric's testimony, then please let me know ASAP.? I believe we are now able to
receive and send e-mail.

After reviewing ALJ Biren's order, we need to pre-mark our exhibits.? TURN
and SCGC will be marking their testimony and exhibits as 100-999.? The
Comprehensive Settlement parties will be marking their exhibits beginning
from 1-99.? Here's my suggestion on how the exhibits should be marked:

Exhibit 1?? Comprehensive Settlement Document??
Exhibit 2?? Lad Lorenz Testimony
Exhibit 3?? Eric Nelson Testimony
Exhibit 4?? Mark Pocta Testimony
Exhibit 5?? Tom Beach Testimony
Exhibit 6?? Jeff Dasovich Testimony
Exhibit 7?? Rick Counihan Testimony
Exhibit 8?? John Burkholder Testimony
Exhibit 9?? Paul Amirault Testimony
Exhibit 10 Jeanne Zaiontz Testimony
Exhibit 11? Paul McKelvey Testimony

I hope I haven't left anyone out.? If we can agree on the exhibit
designation, mark the testimony in the upper right hand section of the front
page of the testimony.