Enron Mail

To:susan.scott@enron.com, dttran@duke-energy.com, ccaldwell@velaw.com,frazier.king@enron.com
Subject:RE: lunch
Date:Mon, 4 Dec 2000 02:12:00 -0800 (PST)

Sorry to hear you're suffering. I'm flexible on this and can go ahead or
reschedule. I really would like for all of us to be able to sit down
together and discuss pending matters. I would be happy to set the lunch
back to later in the week if that works for all. As things look now, Thurs.
or Fri. lunch are open.

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan.Scott@enron.com [mailto:Susan.Scott@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:55 AM
To: dttran@duke-energy.com; ccaldwell@velaw.com; Frazier.King@enron.com
Subject: lunch

Sorry but I am not going to be able to make it to lunch today. Whatever
bug I had last week has gotten worse and I certainly would not want to
expose any of you to this. It is fine with me if you want to meet without
me, or we can reschedule for later this week.

Kindest regards,
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