Enron Mail

To:jkbowles@hotmail.com, merharp@hotmail.com, sarahberry819@yahoo.com,lisa.a.meador@chase.com, ashleastu@aol.com, julianna.grisham@halliburton.com, sscott5@enron.com, rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
Subject:Re: A Christmas Tasters
Date:Thu, 23 Nov 2000 00:09:00 -0800 (PST)

Monday the 11th is fantastic with me!!!?
<From: "Jennifer Bowles"
<To: merharp@hotmail.com, Sarahberry819@yahoo.com, Lisa.A.Meador@chase.com,
ashleastu@aol.com, julianna.grisham@halliburton.com, sscott5@enron.com,
sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com, rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
<Subject: Re: A Christmas Tasters
<Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:31:39 -0600
<Hello everyone! I would love to have dinner and exchange gifts....
<I talked to Lisa last night and I am volunteering at the MFA on
<Tuesday, December the 12th... I was wondering if we could have it on
<Monday the 11th??? We could start our week fresh! :o)
<Let me know if this works for your schedules... I'm sorry for being
<THAT person...
<Hope everyone's doign well and.... Happy Thanksgiving!!!
<<To: jkbowles@hotmail.com, ashleastu@aol.com,
<<julianna.grisham@halliburton.com, sscott5@enron.com,
<<sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com, rebeccacooke@hotmail.com
<<Subject: A Christmas Tasters
<<Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:55:23 -0600
<<Hey guys!
<<It is that time of year when everything gets SO crazy, so I am
<<we need to plan our Taster's Finale ahead of time so we can all
<<mark our
<<calendars and so we can find a place!
<<Here are some thoughts: we could do a boy/girl Taster's where we
<<all invite
<<some of our friends, guys and girls to join us and we rent out a
<<room at a
<<restaurant. Or we could have just girls and have a really nice
<<celebration at a cool restaurant and do "Secret Santa". Either
<<way, it would be
<<a blast.
<<How does Thursday, Dec 14th sound?
<<So, here is what I need: your vote on............... the type of
<<party, then
<<what restaurant that goes with that idea, then affirmation of the
<<Get excited girls! This is going to be fun!
<<Love you guys,

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