Enron Mail

To:ljahnke@aerotek.com, susan_s_edwards@yahoo.com, ashley.a.mace@williams.com,katyhester@hotmail.com, kelbarker@aol.com, corinne_connally@dell.com, lwhite@stagestores.com, lisa.gillette@enron.com, lodgesarah@hotmail.com, elaina5@hotmail.com, sonderfan@ho
Subject:Re: Annual Christmas Dinner
Date:Sat, 9 Dec 2000 06:52:00 -0800 (PST)

my vote is for the 22nd- there is a good chance that if we were to plan this
business on the 19th, we would need to bring a cot for me, since approx
8:30pm will still be feeling like waaaaay past my bedtime- and NO ONE wants
me to be subdued, do they (ok, don't answer that.? who else will take it upon
themselves to be embarassingly drunk, perhaps vomiting on the curb.....except
laura- oh- wait- that's the trash can!?? just kidding laura- couldn't resist,
plus, it was nice to have a 'partner in crime'.....jen, kk, other spectacular
vomiters, you are included as well.? you non-hangover, happy-go-lucky at 8 am
people make me sick....literally.....)? god, am i rambling?? a little loopy-
too many papers, too little time. i was also going to throw out las alamedas
as a suggestion or ousies's table.? any thoughts?? i don't think ANY of us
have been there for grp things.....can't wait to see everyone!?
<From: Laura Jahnke
<Reply-To: ljahnke@aerotek.com
<To: Susan Edwards , Ash Mace , Katy Hester , Emily Hillegeist ,
"Kelbarker@aol.com" , "Corinne_Connally@Dell.com" , Laura White ,
lisa.gillette@enron.com, lodgesarah@hotmail.com, elaina5@hotmail.com,
sonderfan@hotmail.com, kaseywalker@mindspring, sscott5@enron.com
<Subject: Annual Christmas Dinner
<Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 13:45:25 -0500
<Hi Girls!
<It's that time again. We need to get everyone together for our annual
<Christmas Dinner. I have spoken to many of you and tried to come up
<with a good time for everyone. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be
<a "perfect day", but how about Friday-Dec. 22nd? Please respond and
<tell me what you think. I have had a few suggestions for a
<place-Churrasco's, America's, Ruggles, Benji's, Sullivans-please send a
<suggestion. Don't say it doesn't matter because majority vote will win
<and there will be no recount. The time will probably be around 8 p.m.
<I know the 22nd is close to Christmas, so the 19th has also been
<suggested-but I am afraid not everyone will be in town yet. Please send
<me your thoughts on the day, restauraunt, and if we should plan
<something after dinner. I can't wait to see everyone and hope all can
<make it!

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