Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FYI
Date:Thu, 7 Dec 2000 06:42:00 -0800 (PST)

hi susan-? my week is going well.? very slow, actually!? our new employee
started monday- i need to learn to be more assertive!? he's great and really
easy to be with, but older and has his law degree, so i have to remind myself
not to be intimidated....

i'm looking forward to you coming to visit, too!? i sent you a couple
brochures to your work- if you haven't gotten them then you should receive
them any day.

what's new with you?

At 03:55 PM 12/7/2000 -0600, you wrote:

That was too cute.? How's your week been going?

?I can't wait to come out next week...it will be so nice to get away for a


?(Embedded???? Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.?
?image moved?????????????????????????????????????????
?to file:???? From:? Julie Gibson???????????????????
?pic07900.pcx) <julieg@qualcomm.com<?????????????????
?????????????? 12/07/2000 11:45 AM???????????????????

To:?? Whitworth 2nd Lt Brendan R <WhitworthBR@i-mef.usmc.mil<, Cynthia
????? Stumbo <cstumbo@marstonandmarston.com<, Cara Zolezzi
????? <czolezzi@hotmail.com<, "RobertHootGibson@compuserve.com"
????? <RobertHootGibson@compuserve.com<,
????? "Rhea.Seddon@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu"
????? <Rhea.Seddon@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu<, Susan M Scott
????? <Susan.M.Scott@enron.com<, wbond@ymca.org
Subject:? FYI

this is cute!

(See attached file: RABBIT.jpg)