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that was cute!? thank you! i especially loved the list....
At 08:28 AM 12/12/2000 -0600, you wrote: ---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 08:23 AM --------------------------- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?(Embedded???? Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.? ?image moved????????????????????????????????????????? ?to file:???? From:? "Emily Hillegeist"????????????? ?pic24766.pcx) <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<????????????? ?????????????? 12/12/2000 03:40 AM??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? To:?? sonderfan@hotmail.com, katyhester@hotmail.com, sscott5@enron.com cc: Subject:? Fwd: hey, girlfriends! <From: Ukhawks@aol.com <To: bandrowski@msn.com, aboguszewski@hotmail.com, jclarke@chuck.stchas.edu, MMCronin00@aol.com, susiedrob@hotmail.com, SewSewGolf@aol.com, nfelicito.travelnetwork@us.amadeusmail.com, alana_glass@hotmail.com, Redfernran@aol.com, amanda_hawk@hotmail.com, ehillegeist@hotmail.com, JUdyH314@aol.com, OscarWanda@aol.com, SKnape@aol.com, Paulinelevin@aol.com, morein@worldnet.att.net, Gtn126@aol.com, roberttprice@sprintmail.com, RDGJJR5@aol.com, nshort@worldnet.att.net, Cinhundley@aol.com, paulrvirg@earthlink.net, totonj@earthlink.net, JFLEWHITE@aol.com, EllenUK@aol.com, swilliamson@edgellmail.com <Subject: Fwd: hey, girlfriends! <Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 04:30:16 EST < < Get more from the Web.? FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Return-Path: <thesymingtons@email.msn.com< Received: from? rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (rly-ye04.mail.aol.com []) by air-ye04.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:34:21 -0500 Received: from? secure.smtp.email.msn.com (cpimssmtpu07.email.msn.com []) by rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (v77.27) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:34:14 -0500 Received: from oemcomputer - by email.msn.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC;?? Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:33:56 -0800 Message-ID: <000801c0640d$da9f4f80$2389073e@oemcomputer< From: "thesymingtons" <thesymingtons@email.msn.com< To: "Maggie Symington" <msymington@hotmail.com< Subject: hey, girlfriends! Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 17:15:45 -0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain;???? charset="iso-8859-1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Something fun to read! < <? I WANT WHAT SHE'S HAVING < < <<<< I have a new delightful friend, < < <? < I am most in awe of her. < < <? < When we first met I was impressed, < < <? < By her bizarre behavior. < < <? < < < <? < That day I had a date with friends, < < <? < We met to have some lunch. < < <? < Mae had come along with them, < < <? < All in all ... a pleasant bunch. < < <? < < < <? < When the menus were presented, < < <? < We ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups. < < <? < Except for Mae who circumvented, < < <? < And said, Ice Cream, please: two scoops. < < <? < < < <? < I was not sure my ears heard right, < < <? < And the others were aghast. < < <? < Along with heated apple pie, < < <? < Mae added, completely unabashed. < < <? < < < <? < We tried to act quite nonchalant, < < <? < As if people did this all the time. < < <? < But when our orders were brought out, < < <? < I did not enjoy mine. < < <? < < < <? < I could not take my eyes off Mae, < < <? < As her pie a-la-mode went down. < < <? < The other ladies showed dismay, < < <? < They ate their lunches silently, and frowned. < < <? < < < <? < Well, the next time I went out to eat, < < <? < I called and invited Mae. < < <? < My lunch contained white tuna meat, < < <? < She ordered a parfait. < < <? < < < <? < I smiled when her dish I viewed, < < <? < And she asked if she amused me. < < <? < I answered, Yes, you do, < < <? < But also you confuse me. < < <? < < < <? < How come you order rich desserts, < < <? < When I feel I must be sensible? < < <? < She laughed and said, with wanton mirth, < < <? < I am tasting all that's possible. < < <? < < < <? < I try to eat the food I need, < < <? < And do the things I should. < < <? < But life's so short, my friend, indeed, < < <? < I hate missing out on something good. < < <? < < < <? < This year I realized how old I was, < < <? < She grinned, I've not been this old before. < < <? < So, before I die, I've got to try, < < <? < Those things for years I had ignored. < < <? < < < <? < I've not smelled all the flowers yet, < < <? < There's too many books I have not read. < < <? < There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down, < < <? < And kites to be flown overhead. < < <? < < < <? < There are many malls I have not shopped, < < <? < I've not laughed at all the jokes. < < <? < I've missed a lot of Broadway Hits, < < <? < And potato chips and cokes. < < <? < < < <? < I want to wade again in water, < < <? < And feel ocean spray upon my face. < < <? < Sit in a country church once more, < < <? < And thank God for It's grace. < < <? < < < <? < I want peanut butter every day, < < <? < Spread on my morning toast. < < <? < I want un-timed long-distance calls, < < <? < To the folks I love the most. < < <? < < < <? < I've not cried at all the movies yet, < < <? < Nor walked in the morning rain. < < <? < I need to feel wind in my hair, < < <? < I want to fall in love again. < < <? < < < <? < So, if I choose to have dessert, < < <? < Instead of having dinner. < < <? < Then should I die before night fall, < < <? < I'd say I died a winner. < < <? < < < <? < Because I missed out on nothing, < < <? < I filled my heart's desire. < < <? < I had that final chocolate mousse, < < <? < Before my life expired. < < <? < < < <? < With that, I called the waitress over, < < <? < I've changed my mind, it seems. < < <? < I said, I want what she is having, < < <? < Only add some more whipped-cream! < < <? < < < <? < Here is a little something for you all! < < <? < We need an annual Girlfriends Day! < < <? < If you get this twice, < < <? < then you have more than one girlfriend. < < <? < Be happy. < < <? < < < <? < ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM MY GIRLFRIENDS < < <? < < < <? <? * Good times are even better when they're shared. < < <? <? * A good long talk can cure almost anything. < < <? <? * Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets. < < <? <? * Listening is just as important as talking. < < <? <? * An understanding friend is better than a therapist... < < <? <??? and cheaper too! < < <? <? * Laughter makes the world a happier place. < < <? <? * Friends are like wine; they get better with age. < < <? <? * Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on. < < <? <? * Great minds think alike, especially when they are female! < < <? <? * When it comes to "bonding," females do it better. < < <? <? * YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR SLUMBER PARTIES!!!! < < <? <? * Girls just want to have fun. < < <? <? * It's important to make time to do "girl things." < < <? <? * Calories don't count when you are having lunch < < <? <??? (or any other food) with your girlfriends. < < <? <? * You can never have too many shoes. < < <? <? * GEMS MAY BE PRECIOUS, BUT FRIENDSHIP IS PRICELESS!!! < < <? < < < <? <? PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL OF YOUR GIRLFRIENDS