Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Hi girls...
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 06:57:00 -0800 (PST)


Yes, you have been missed at the last couple of events! I hear you have
your head burried in Enron. No fun!!!! I hope that you are getting paid
overtime or compensated in some way for all of your efforts!

Things have been going really great here - still planning for the wedding
and trying not toget too anxious and enjoy all of the engagement time! The
shower was fun to get Christmas stuff - unfortunately, most of it is packed
up in boxes because I wanted to save it for next year (the 1st). Some
stuff though, I just couldn't help it. About all of this football stuff -
thank goodness the season is nearing a finale. The weekend trips were
gettting a little intense. We have to go to a wedding on the 29th, so not
sure what he is going to do for the game. Supposedly Boyd is going to the
wedding too and they are going to sneak to the hotel bar to catch a

My family is doing great! I just heard word that my brother is coming in
the entire week before the wedding so we can hang out and he is coming for
the engagement party! (They recently moved to Philadelphia and are not
coming home for Christmas, so whenever I hear of him coming, I get so

Good luck with all of your stuff - don't miss Christmas! :o)

Love you and I miss seeing you!!!

Love, Lisa

<Susan.M.Scott@enron.com< on 12/12/2000 09:56:37 AM

To: jkbowles@hotmail.com, JesPulliam@aol.com, Lisa.A.Meador@chase.com,
emily.boon@msdw.com, edrington@uthscsa.edu
Subject: Hi girls...

As it appears I will be living and breathing the 32nd floor of the Enron
building well through the first of the year, I've decided to break down and
try to maintain my friendships via email. You all know me well enough to
know that this a huge step on my part ( I am not the world's best emailer).
Anyway, I feel like I'm out of touch with what's going on in your
collective lives and am thus missing out on some pretty wonderful, exciting
and special things. So when and if any of you get a chance shoot me back a
quick note and let me know what's new in your life.

Love you guys,

Jennifer - Hope work is going well. I know this time of year has got to be
crazy for anyone in your line of work, but I'm sure you're handling it
well. We really need to go grab coffee, dinner, a movie or something soon.
I'm in need of a good chat.

Jessica - I know you're in the midst of finals right now and probably about
to pull your hair out. Just focus on the fact that they'll be over soon
and you'll be off to London to see Ashley and Lee ( I am so jealous).
Please tell Clay I say hello and wish him good luck as well on y'alls

Lisa - Hey sweetie! I am so sorry I couldn't make it to your shower in SA,
but Jen said it went really well. We need to get together soon I've missed
seeing you and especially hearing about the wedding and all the fun goings
ons in your life. Tell Brad I say "Hi" and I'll be glued to the TV set
just like him on the on the 29th rooting on the Horns.

Emily - I really want to hear how your Thanksgiving went with Thomas and
the "Fam". Knowing Thomas it went great and your entire family (especially
your Mom) is absolutely in love with him. Keep me posted on your plans for
the future ( I'm curious where you're going to end up geographically).
Also, I thought you'd find it interesting that I may have an opportunity to
work in your old hometown - Chicago. Any thoughts?

Elizabeth - I have really been out of touch with you and I am very mad at
myself for letting that happen. Please write back soon and let me know how
school, your family and this new man in your life ( okay, I'm not
completely out of touch) are all doing. My guess is you're going through
exams as well right now so I'll wish you the best of luck and infinite