Enron Mail

To:alb@cpuc.ca.gov, gsullivan@sempra.com, hayley@turn.org, alan_reid@pcp.ca,andy.bettwy@swgas.com, aod@newsdata.com, askaff@energy-law-group.com, bcragg@gmssr.com, bho@cpuc.ca.gov, bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us, burkee@cts.com, bwood@energy.state.ca.us, ceyap
Subject:Re: I.99-07-003
Date:Tue, 23 May 2000 10:45:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Judge Biren:

Pursuant to your instructions regarding procedures for serving testimony and
preparing exhibits, I submit the following information on behalf of Long

a, List of exhibits

Long Beach intends to offer two exhibits: Ex. 200, the prepared direct
testimony of Elizabeth Wright, and Ex. 201, the prepared rebuttal testimony
of Elizabeth Wright.

b. estimate of direct and cross-examination time

Long Beach estimates only a few minutes of direct examination.

Regarding cross-examination, Long Beach's estimates are necessarily
preliminary and incomplete (apparently I did not receive all of the direct
testimony) in light of the recent filing of rebuttal testimony. Current
estimates are as follows:

Ladd Lorenz, SoCalGas - 4 hr.
Eric Nelson, SoCalGas - 2 hr.
R. Thomas Beach, various parties - 2 hr.
Paul Amirault, Wild Goose - 1/2 hour
Jeffrey Dasovich, Enron - 1/2 hour
John Burkholder, Western Hub Properties - 11/2 hour
Florio/Weil/Yap, Turn, et al - 2 hours

There may be additional witnesses, depending on information at the prehearing

Patrick Power