Enron Mail

To:susan.m.scott@enron.com, sscott5@enron.com
Subject:Re: Korea
Date:Tue, 28 Nov 2000 14:41:00 -0800 (PST)

-------------Forwarded Message-----------------

From: INTERNET:jar@moneypit.net, INTERNET:jar@moneypit.net

Date: 11/28/00 5:43 PM

RE: Re: Korea

Great pic! I miss you guys. Just got a new type rating in the GV so that
is like a huge big weight off my shoulders. I hate check rides but I did
OK on this one. My new plane gets delivered in August of next year so I
have a ways to wait but it should be worth it. The damn thing can stay
in the air for 14 hours! A crew just flew one from Beijing to Memphis
non-stop. I don't know if I can sit there that long. I flew the F-5
today for the first time in a month and can you believe it everything
worked except the pilot. It has turned into a reliable little jet and is
a blast to fly. Today was one of those days when you could see both
coasts, it was really nice being up there in my single seater. It will
be me and the F-5 now for around 8 months because we sold the GIV,
something about making payments on a GV and a GIV was pretty horrific
and Gulfstream conveniently (for them) makes you pay for the new plane
when it comes off of the production line. Then you wait 8 months while
they put the interior in. This is the first new plane that I have ever
owned so I am excited. I got to watch them mate the wing the other day
which was quite a thrill. I got a video. No kids so I can bore people
with my GV memorabilia! How's Kath and Suze? I was getting an irregular
email from Suze for a while but I haven't heard from her from her in a
while, must take after her dad. Give me a call when next you are in Ft.
Lauderdale. 305-798-3559. Cheers.......JR

Jim Robinson email:jar@moneypit.net
It's better to die on your feet than to live a lifetime on your
knees.....Emiliano Zapata

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Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 18:43:03 -0500
From: Jim A Robinson <jar@moneypit.net<
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To: Chuck Scott <CHARLIECOYOTE@compuserve.com<
Subject: Re: Korea
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