Enron Mail

To:rmp@cpuc.ca.gov, rick.counihan@greenmountain.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,burkee@cts.com, alexanms@sce.com, craigc@calpine.com, cushnice@sce.com, jdasovic@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, paulamirault@aec.ca, porterdk@sce.com, tomb@crossborderenergy.com,
Subject:Revised Draft of letter
Date:Fri, 8 Dec 2000 06:37:00 -0800 (PST)

Here is the revised draft of the letter to the Commission regarding the PD.
Please comment ASAP. We would like specific authorizations from each party
to include their name on the letter, which will be delivered by Mike Day to
each Commissioner and distributed to the press. If you have edits to
propose. Please proposed them in a "reply all" note so that everyone on
this list can react to the changes. Please respond as soon as possible,
hopefully by the close of business today. If you believe you can get
approval to sign the letter by Monday morning, please advise us of that fact
as well and we will wait for you. Thank you all for your prompt
consideration of this matter. Mike Day


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