Enron Mail

To:alan_reid@pcp.ca, alb@cpuc.ca.gov, andy.bettwy@swgas.com, aod@newsdata.com,askaff@energy-law-group.com, bcragg@gmssr.com, bho@cpuc.ca.gov, bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us, burkee@cts.com, bwood@energy.state.ca.us, ceyap@earthlink.net, chilen@llgm.com, chj@ae
Subject:Ruling on Evidence
Date:Fri, 7 Jul 2000 02:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

Parties in I.99-07-003:

I am sending my ruling on admission of late-filed exhibits by email so that
you know what can and cannot be cited to in your briefs.? I apologize that
you have not received this sooner and that it is not "final."? I realize that
it is very late in your brief-writing process.

I was unaware until just now that it had not gone out.

Again, I am sorry for the delay and confusion.

--Judge Biren

- 1LG201!.doc