Enron Mail

Subject:Southern Trails
Date:Thu, 26 Oct 2000 03:44:00 -0700 (PDT)

Lorraine -- answers to some of your questions.

Questar Line 90 Company purchased the facilities from ARCO for a total of $38
million. At the time it made its FERC application, Questar Southern Trails'
estimated cost of 1) purchasing the facilities from Line 90 Company and 2)
converting the line to gas service via the construction of compressor
stations and various pipeline replacements, realignments and extension: 155
million. I assume you want more detail so I'll have Mike Vannorden get the
relevant exhibits.

Southern Trails proposed to install 7 new compressor stations. These are
detailed on Table 1 in their application cover letter (on my desk if you want
to take a look). The various pipeline modifications they proposed to make
are described in some detail on pages 12 - 16.

Available capacity: 120,000 Dth/day in West Zone; 87,500 in East Zone.

I will have Mike send you exhibits I believe might be of interest.