Enron Mail

Subject:TW Bullets 12/8
Date:Fri, 8 Dec 2000 03:17:00 -0800 (PST)

Transport Options - In response to our recent FERC filing, a technical
conference has been scheduled in Washington D.C. for January 9, 2001.

Fuel Hedge - With gas prices running at record highs, we hedged 5,000 MMBtu/d
of fuel for calendar 2002 at $4.50, then unwound it the following day as the
market dipped allowing us to book a small gain in excess of $100,000. We
expect prices to jump again next week with the oncoming cold snap and we'll
likely reset the hedge at higher numbers.

PNM - TW's response to PNM's request for transport proposal went out this
week. They are paying max rates on an East to East contract and indicated to
us they feel the rates are not currently supported by the market.; TW however
disagrees. Our response to them leaves the current rate structure in place
but has two additional tiers of volumetric incentive pricing. As their
volume increases, their rates go down. In addition, we added a seasonal IT
rate to the proposal that helps them meet any swing gas demand requirements.

Albuquerque Lateral - ENA is meeting with IPP plant owners in the Albuquerque
region who would like to see alternative sources of gas supply besides the
local utility. If the operators expand the plant from a peaking unit to a
combined-cycle unit, there is potentially enough load to justify a new
delivery lateral off TW's mainline. Part of the deal structure may include a
volume incentive rate as throughput increases in the lateral. Next step for
TW is to build a rate matrix under several different operating scenarios.
Responses are due to ENA by Friday 12/15.

Black Mesa Project - We continue to evaluate the potential of converting the
Black Mesa coal slurry line owned by Northern Border into gas service. The
big advantage for TW is it will increase our capacity to bring San Juan gas
to the California border but there is also a positive environmental play for
Black Mesa and coal slurry along with Mohave and coal pollution affecting the
Grand Canyon. This whole project is contingent on several factors, not the
least of which is working with Mohave Generating Station majority owner AES
(70%) to convert the plant to gas and working with the Navajo who could lose
a large export market for their coal. ENA has agreed to approach AES on this
project in the near future once their negotiations on the Las Vegas power
plant are complete. Legal is checking the existing ROW to see if there are
limitations on the pipe usage.

Burlington Claim - We are assembling the volume and revenue impact figures of
the November train derailment for submission to Burlington's claims
adjusters. This will be combined with the total operations costs.