Enron Mail

To:raw@cpuc.ca.gov, ltt@cpuc.ca.gov, tdickers@westerngas.com, sscott3@enron.com,slins@ci.glendale.ca.us, skatz@sempratrading.com, sbs@cpuc.ca.gov, rpetti@ladwp.com, rpelote@energy.twc.com, ron_oechsler@rmiinc.com, raveen_maan@cerberus.city.palo-alto.ca.u
Subject:WHP Opening Brief - GIR Settlement
Cc:dcarroll@dbsr.com, trdill@westernhubs.com, rshively@enerdynamics.com,atrowbridge@dbsr.com, pstohr@dbsr.com, jfossum@westernhubs.com, mafullerton@westernhubs.com
Bcc:dcarroll@dbsr.com, trdill@westernhubs.com, rshively@enerdynamics.com,atrowbridge@dbsr.com, pstohr@dbsr.com, jfossum@westernhubs.com, mafullerton@westernhubs.com
Date:Mon, 10 Jul 2000 09:51:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached is the Opening Brief of Western Hub Properties?filed today and
served on all parties in I.99-07-003.
The original format is in WordPerfect with the .wpd extension, but it has
also been saved as a Word file with the .doc extension.? Please call or
respond if you are having any difficulties with these files.
John Burkholder
on behalf of Western Hub Properties, LLC
BETA Consulting
(760) 723-1831 Voice
(760) 723-1891 FAX
- WHP Opening Brief GIR.wpd
- WHP Opening Brief GIR.doc