Enron Mail

To:raw@cpuc.ca.gov, ltt@cpuc.ca.gov, tdickers@westerngas.com, sscott3@enron.com,slins@ci.glendale.ca.us, skatz@sempratrading.com, sbs@cpuc.ca.gov, rpetti@ladwp.com, rpelote@energy.twc.com, ron_oechsler@rmiinc.com, raveen_maan@cerberus.city.palo-alto.ca.u
Subject:WHP Reply Brief - GIR Settlement
Cc:dcarroll@dbsr.com, trdill@westernhubs.com, mafullerton@westernhubs.com,jfossum@westernhubs.com
Bcc:dcarroll@dbsr.com, trdill@westernhubs.com, mafullerton@westernhubs.com,jfossum@westernhubs.com
Date:Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached are the WordPerfect and Word versions of the Reply brief of Western
Hub Properties in the GIR Settlement, I.99-07-003, filed today and served on
all parties via hardcopy.
John Burkholder
for Western Hub Properties, LLC
BETA Consulting
(760) 723-1831 Voice
(760) 723-1891 FAX
- WHP Reply Brief I.99-07-003.wpd
- WHP Reply Brief I.99-07-003.doc