Enron Mail

Subject:We have closure! (well, sort-of)
Date:Thu, 21 Sep 2000 07:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

I'm soooo good. The chosen path was cool, indifference.

So, last night was Steak Night and with Nick and Wilson both in town we had a
really good showing. I got there about 7:30 with Nick, and the group's size
swelled to about 12+ by 8:30 - 9:00. About 8:00 I saw Kevin (Ted's pal - the
one you meet a steak night) wandering around LW's obviously in search of
someone. Can you believe it? He (Ted) knew I had organized this gathering -
I know that because Nick is working right across from he and Darren and
overheard Darren encouraging Ted's attendance (mind you Ted was not in the
email distribution) - and he had the nerve to come. Anyway, Kevin saw me and
came over to chat. He informed me that "our friend Ted should be there
shortly" to which I responded, "You would know better than me at this
point". The subject was dropped until he felt the need to raise it again.
He asked if Ted and I parted on good terms/ bad terms, etc. I said there
really weren't any terms, I just hadn't heard a peep out of him for about 2
weeks. Kevin wanted to know if I was going to break a bottle over Ted's head
and cause a big scene. When I said no, I think he was genuinely
disappointed. I said in order for me to do something like that I would have
to care about the "loss" and that, while a week or two earlier I might have
cared a bit more, with each passing day the "loss" seems less and less like
much of a loss. Kevin told me I was better-off without Ted. To go even
further, he informed me that there is no way he would ever let a daughter of
his date Ted nor any of his "girl-friends". He said that while he thought
Ted was a great guy (i.e. fun to be around, good stories, etc.) he wasn't
good dating material. I agreed with Kevin saying "Ted is a great guy, he
just makes a lousy man" (don't you like that one?). I then went on to say
"Anyway, I'm destined for bigger and better things, right?". Kevin: "Much
bigger and much better." About this time my parents showed up...the plot
thickens. I introduced Kevin to my parents and since both my Dad and Kevin
were in the Navy and attended Colorado they had much to talk about. The two
of them had probably been talking for about half an hour when
"dum-da-dum-dum" Ted shows up. He approaches our group because he sees Kevin
and is forced to make eye-contact with me. I give him a "hey" and he gives
me the arm squeeze and a much too pleasant "how's it going?". He asked what
Kevin and my Dad were talking about, I told him the Navy, he said don't get
Kevin started or you'll never shut him up...Then he walked away. He never
acknowledged my parents nor did he ever speak to me again the rest of the
evening. The beautiful thing is Kevin stays and talks with my Dad for
another half hour and when Darren shows up he hangs out with "my group" for
quite a while before going to join Ted. My parents and I ate our steaks
right behind Ted and then went back over to our group at the picnic table
when we were finished. It really was a great night. I would almost say I
was glowing (I was having so much fun with my friends and family and it
wasn't a show for Ted's benefit...I really was having a great time). So,
when my parents decide to head out they walked over to Ted/Kevin's table to
say good-bye to Kevin. It was awesome. Ted's sitting right next to Kevin
while Kevin and my Dad are talking and appears to be actually shrinking in
his chair. Yet again no acknowledgement of my parents - he couldn't even
make eye-contact. I ended up staying there for at least another hour and
then went with a few of the guys to the Ale House. Needless to say I was
very hung over today. Anyway, there's the story...He's a complete and utter
ass-hole. So I'm done. And no, there is no way he could weasel his way back
in to my good graces.

Now on to a fun subject, my trip to London. I bought my ticket today ( I
think I got hosed a little bit, but it was the cheapest ticket I could find -
$450 before taxes). I will arrive at Heathrow airport around 7:00 a.m.
Friday the 6th and depart about 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday the 10th. I'm very
excited about the trip, I really need to get out of Houston. I leave the
activities in your capable hands. ( bear in mind I will have to see Darren
and Nick at some point).

"Single again" Sue