Enron Mail

Subject:Your next trade is on us
Date:Mon, 6 Nov 2000 01:29:00 -0800 (PST)


=09Dear SUSAN:
=09Today's market presents many opportunities for savvy investors. And as a=
E*TRADEc brokerage customer, you already have access to the resources you=
need to best take advantage of them. Let's start with an opportunity=20
available to you right now: We'll rebate up to $19.95 on your next stock=20
trade when you make it by December 31, 2000.1=20
=09And to help you research the opportunities:=20
=09At the Stocks Center, you'll find timely insights from resources like T=
Stock Picks from S=02?c - free to customers.=20
=09Our Markets page gives you up-to-date information from Briefing.com.c=20
=09On your log-in Customer Home Page, you'll find technical tips from=20
ClearStation,c such as The A-ListSM Ideas and Insights.2=20
=09As you can see, E*TRADEc offers the resources you need to find and take=
advantage of the best opportunities in today's changing marketplace. And=20
remember, your next trade is on us. To take advantage of your trade, please=
click here.=20
=09Suzi White
=09Vice President, Customer Service
=09E*TRADE Securities, Inc.
=09P.S.: Take a look at everything E*TRADE has to offer. And while you're t=
register for your trade.=20
=091 Offer not valid for IRAs, retirement, business, club, or E*TRADE Bank=
accounts. Excludes non-U.S. residents. Account holders must maintain minimu=
funding in all accounts ($1,000 for cash accounts, $2,000 for margin=20
accounts, less any trading losses) for at least six months. A maximum credi=
of $19.95 will post to your account within approximately eight weeks of=20
trade. Not valid with any other offer. Other terms apply. Regular E*TRADE=
stock trade commissions are $14.95 for listed market orders and $19.95 for=
Nasdaq, stop, and limit orders. For listed orders over 5,000 shares, add=20
$0.01/share to the entire order. Add $35 for broker-assisted trades. No=20
connect fees for Web access. Direct modem and TELE*MASTER connect fees are=
$0.27/minute, but with a credit of 12 free minutes per trade, you may pay=
nothing. E*TRADE reserves the right to terminate or modify this offer at an=
time without notice. Not valid with any other offer. E*TRADE associates are=
not eligible to participate in this promotion.=20
=092 ClearStation, Inc., and E*TRADE Securities, Inc., are separate but=20
affiliated companies and are wholly owned subsidiaries of E*TRADE Group, In=
E*TRADE Securities, Inc., does not recommend any security, financial produc=
or instrument, nor does any mention of a particular security on The A-List =
on www.clearstation.com constitute a recommendation by E*TRADE Securities,=
Inc., to buy, sell, or hold that or any other security. You assume full=20
responsibility for your investment decisions. ClearStation,=20
www.clearstation.com, and The A-List are trademarks or registered trademark=
of ClearStation, Inc.=20
=09System response and account access times may vary due to a variety of=20
factors, including trading volumes, market conditions, and system=20
=09, 2000 E*TRADE Securities, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC. All rights reserved.=
E*TRADE, the E*TRADE logo, E*TRADE Bank, and TELE*MASTER are trademarks or=
registered trademarks of E*TRADE Group, Inc., or its subsidiaries. S=02?is =
trademark of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., and has been licensed for use=
by E*TRADE Asset Management, Inc. The Product is not sponsored, endorsed,=
sold, or promoted by Standard & Poor's, and Standard & Poor's makes no=20
representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Product. All=
other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective=20
=09You received this e-mail because you registered on the E*TRADE Web site =
or on=20
one of our partners' sites. To protect your online privacy, we do not rent =
sell your e-mail address to third parties. E*TRADE may, however, occasional=
include partner advertising in our regular communications to you about our=
brokerage services. Naturally, any advertising will be marked as such. If y=
wish to be removed from our e-mail list:=20
=09Click the e-mail Reply button.=20
=09Type the word "remove" in the subject line.=20
=09Click on the Send E-mail button. Your e-mail address will be removed fro=
E*TRADE's e-mail list. We will confirm your request by e-mail.
=09This e-mail was sent to: sscott3@enron.com=20