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Subject:So true....
Date:Tue, 8 Feb 2000 02:57:00 -0800 (PST)

<This is kind of long, but so true!

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Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 03:58:02 EST
Subject: Fwd: This is awesome
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Subject: Fwd: This is awesome
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Subject: Fwd: This is awesome
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2000 15:22:37 CST
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<From: Christy McMillian <mcmillc@osu.net<
<To: "William Trisciani Jr." <wtrisciani@hotmail.com<, Tara Taliaferro
<<t_taliaferro@hotmail.com<, Renee Dark <sweetPJRD@aol.com<, Summer
<"BUEL" Porter <sumnoel@aol.com<, Roy Branch <roybranch@yahoo.com<, Wendy
<Hardee <mmouse@brightok.net<, Michelle Rutledge
<<michellerutledge@hotmail.com<, Jarrod Steele
<<jarrod_steele@hotmail.com<, Greg McMillian <gregmac@brightok.net<,
<Dylan Burns <dylan_rainman@yahoo.com<
<Subject: This is awesome
<Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 07:56:06 -0600
<This is awesome
< <This is so awesome! It brings back tons of memories!
< < You are a child of the 80's if...
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Snap/slap bracelets were always getting you in trouble at school.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You played with "My Little Ponies".
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Friendship bracelets were ties that couldn't be broken.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You've ever read Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Babysitters Club
< <(Say<Hello to your friends!), or Sweet Valley High.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You know all the words to "Ice Ice Baby".
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember the New Kids On The Block.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You wanted to be on Star Search.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had Garbage Pail Kids trading cards
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before he had
< <plasticsurgery.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Heaven forbid you wore one of those t-shirt rings or a scrunchi on
< < one side of your shirt during your youth.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You were styling with your french rolled pants.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You wore multiple pairs of socks in the middle of the summer just so
< <could be "hip"
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had puff painted your own shirt at least once.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts'signed on it's butt.Cabbage
< < Patch Kids!
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout."
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off"
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You were upset when She-ra, Princess of Power, and He-Man cancelled.
< <wooohoooooooooooooooooooooo
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for
< < endless hours, back when they were new episodes.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future."
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You wanted to be a Goonie. ("Goonies never say die.")
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember Madonna in her cone stage.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince."
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You even wore flourescent-neon clothing...
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You could breakdance, or wished you could.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember M.C. Hammer.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < How many of you can recite the theme to Duck tales?
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You own any cassettes.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You owned a pair of L.A. Gear, Rebok, or Converse tennis shoes.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf. (And
< <how
< <come Baby Smurf never grew up...)
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < My Little Pony, Gummy Bears, Transformers, You can't do that
< < on Telivision, Noozles, KIDS Incorperated, Captian Kangroo, Double
< <and Hey Dude are familiar to you.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You ever had a Swatch Watch or a Doonie and Burke
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the "Care Bear
< <stare". (there is nothing wrong with that!!!!)
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos. (you know it! ;)
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You spent hours in the basement building and re-building Lego cities.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Do Polly Pockets or Popples ring a bell?
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Big wheels and bicycles with streamers were the way to go.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < With your playschool record player you sang back up to Debbie Gibson.
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < "Party like it's 1999" seemed SO far away!!
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You stayed up all night listening to Teddy Ruxpin
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Can we say Trapper Keeper?
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Can you tell you how to get to Sesame Street?
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you wanted to be on the GLADIATORS!!!
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you still have a crimper in your bathroom drawer
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you remember singing Amy Grants "Baby, Baby"
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You owned a Indiana Jones hat
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had more than one Star Wars action figure
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You loved your pink jeans, black stretch pants and big hoop earings
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you wanted to pick a lock with a toothbrush just like MacGyver
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You wanted to travel through time on Quantum Leap
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had at least one Hypercolor shirt
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you remember when rollerblades were the new thing
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you learned how to spell mouse from the Mickey Mouse Club theme
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You felt like a big girl when your mom bought you GIRL TALK
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You used to wear bright pink slip-ons and jelly shoes
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You used to compare your little brother to Ferguson
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You were scared of the Gremlins! =)
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember when Ren and Stimpy was a new show
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Your parents wouldn't let you watch The Simpsons because it
< < was inappropriate
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < The Wonder Years was a part of your daily lifestyle
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < You had Hotwheel races down your street during the block party
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < When MTV was all about Rock Hard videos and BIG hair (first aired in
< <1981!!!)
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < Pee Wee's Play House...Rainbow Brite...Fanny Packs (need I say
< < -----------------------------------------------------------
< < If you can remember when you're "Kid Sister, Kid Sister" seemed
< < so tall...
< < ------------------------------------------------------------
< < Did you keep your hot pink lipstick in a caboodle?
< < --------------------------------------------------------------
< < You could not get enough hair spray on those bangs?
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------
< < How many trolls did you have?
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------
< < Does "Heros in a half shell" mean anything to you (TURTLE POWER)
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------
< < Everything was rad, totally awesome, and tubular!!!
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember when the original nintendo was the best $100 you could
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------
< < You wanted to go to the bozo show?
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------
< < You remember when there was no Barney
< < --------------------------------------------------------------
< < When the Ghost Busters were the ones to "call"
< < ---------------------------------------------------------------------
< < If you can remember sunbelts!!
< < ----------------------------------------------------------------
< <
< <If you can identify with at least half of these, you are a child of the
< <80's!! Send this to everyone who would appreciate going back to this era.
< <You
< <can't forget my buddy and pogo balls or skip it... the list goes on and
< <Add to the list if you want, but make sure to keep it going on! <<
< <
< <

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