Enron Mail

To:ascott@sdge.com, gtom@socalgas.com, jmumford@socalgas.com,dbisi@socalgas.com, enelson@socalgas.com, ack@aelaw.com, bsl@cpuc.ca.gov, chj@aelaw.com, lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com, dbarker@socalgas.com, gwright@sempra.com, swatson@socalgas.com, tp2jxv@soca
Subject:RE: Final Draft of Tom Beach's Prepared Rebuttal Testimony
Cc:ddyck@mail.arco.com, tlu1@mail.arco.com
Bcc:ddyck@mail.arco.com, tlu1@mail.arco.com
Date:Fri, 19 May 2000 04:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

While I recognize the sensitivity of CCC and Dynegy, et al, to the problems
created by their previous signatures to the Interim settlement, I believe
the term section of the Interim settlement could reasonably be interpreted
to indicate that no other change of consequence, specifically:

Provisions that the Commission agrees not to require
SoCalGas to implement prior to January 1, 2003 include, but are not limited
to, the following: the establishment of a system of firm, tradable rights
in SoCalGas' intrastate transmission capacity and/or receipt point capacity
that would necessitate or create the likelihood of either rate design
changes or cost shifts between customer classes; the unbundling of the cost
of SoCalGas' intrastate transmission system; the institution of full-time
daily balancing for transportation service; any further unbundling of
storage costs; the implementation of shareholder risk for storage different
than the options provided in Section VII. of this Settlement;

I therefore would be hesitant to indicate that they do not oppose any
provision of the Interim settlement. This is kind of sticky, but we have to
be careful how we word things...
Michael S. Alexander
Southern California Edison
Energy Supply and Marketing

From: Tom Beach [SMTP:tomb@crossborderenergy.com]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 10:33 AM
To: Scott, Addis B.; Tom, Gwoon - TPGYT; Mumford, Joel - TP4JDM;
Bisi, David - TP1DMB; Nelson, Eric B. - TPEBN; ack@aelaw.com; 'Khoury,
Dexter'; 'Jun, Christine'; 'How-Downing, Lindsey'; Barker, David - TPDTB;
Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW; Watson, Steven - TP2SAW; Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV;
Teeter, James S.; Takemura, Earl - TPEKT; Suwara, J.- TPJUS; Surak, Thomas
M. - TP1TMS; Sullivan, Glen J.; Smith, Anne S. - TPASS; Schavrien, Lee;
Sakarias, Wayne P.; Reed, William; Purves, Ralph A.; Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM;
McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM; Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL; Hubbard, Lisa J.; Hay, James
E.; Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH; Gaines, Mark - TPMFG; Freeman, Kimberly;
Fong, Ed; Follett, B. David - TPDBF; Davis, Robert E.; Brill, Thomas R.;
Betonte, Robert - TP2RSB; susan.scott@enron.com; RochmanM@spurr.org;
RochmanM@cubjpa.org; Porter, Douglas K; rmp@cpuc.ca.gov; jmpa@dynegy.com;
kmccrea@sablaw.com; karpjos@sf.whitecase.com; Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu;
johnj@bcjlaw.com; plg@cpuc.ca.gov; rfoss@coral-energy.com;
Jfawcet@enron.com; eke@aelaw.com; Douglass@arterhadden.com;
bdingwall@unitedgas.com; Mday@gmssr.com; Jdasovic@enron.com;
Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com; Craigc@calpine.com; Burkee@cts.com;
david.bayless@utility.com; paulamirault@aec.ca; Alexander, Michael S;
'Cherry, Brian - TPBKC'; Leslie, John
Cc: David Dyck; Tom Lu
Subject: Final Draft of Tom Beach's Prepared Rebuttal Testimony

Here is the final draft of my rebuttal testimony. I will be
spending the rest of the morning cleaning up the few remaining holes for
numbers, etc. Please note I have added extensive rebuttal to the SCGC /
TURN study showning that demand charges could increase EG fixed costs by up
to 20%. The study, which Edison received in a data response late Wednesday,
is very weak. Please call with any final comments by 1 p.m. today.

Also -- this draft has revised language indicating that this
testimony is not meant to express the CCC's or Dynegy's opposition to any
element of the Interim Settlement. I would appreciate any feedback on
whether this language is consistent with how other signatories to the
Interim Settlement are dealing with this issue.

Tom Beach

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Beach <mailto:tomb@crossborderenergy.com<
To: Leslie, John <mailto:jleslie@LUCE.com< ; 'Cherry, Brian
- TPBKC' <mailto:BCherry@sempra.com< ; AlexanMS@sce.com
<mailto:AlexanMS@sce.com< ; paulamirault@aec.ca
<mailto:paulamirault@aec.ca< ; david.bayless@utility.com
<mailto:david.bayless@utility.com< ; Burkee@cts.com <mailto:Burkee@cts.com<
; Craigc@calpine.com <mailto:Craigc@calpine.com< ;
Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com <mailto:Rick.Counihan@greenmountain.com< ;
Jdasovic@enron.com <mailto:Jdasovic@enron.com< ; Mday@gmssr.com
<mailto:Mday@gmssr.com< ; bdingwall@unitedgas.com
<mailto:bdingwall@unitedgas.com< ; Douglass@arterhadden.com
<mailto:Douglass@arterhadden.com< ; eke@aelaw.com <mailto:eke@aelaw.com< ;
Jfawcet@enron.com <mailto:Jfawcet@enron.com< ; rfoss@coral-energy.com
<mailto:rfoss@coral-energy.com< ; plg@cpuc.ca.gov <mailto:plg@cpuc.ca.gov<
; johnj@bcjlaw.com <mailto:johnj@bcjlaw.com< ; Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu
<mailto:Johnson_Pamela@lacoe.edu< ; karpjos@sf.whitecase.com
<mailto:karpjos@sf.whitecase.com< ; kmccrea@sablaw.com
<mailto:kmccrea@sablaw.com< ; jmpa@dynegy.com <mailto:jmpa@dynegy.com< ;
rmp@cpuc.ca.gov <mailto:rmp@cpuc.ca.gov< ; porterdk@sce.com
<mailto:porterdk@sce.com< ; RochmanM@cubjpa.org
<mailto:RochmanM@cubjpa.org< ; RochmanM@spurr.org
<mailto:RochmanM@spurr.org< ; susan.scott@enron.com
<mailto:susan.scott@enron.com< ; Betonte, Robert - TP2RSB
<mailto:RBetonte@socalgas.com< ; Brill, Thomas R.
<mailto:TBrill@sempra.com< ; Davis, Robert E. <mailto:REDavis@sempra.com<
; Follett, B. David - TPDBF <mailto:DFollett@sempra.com< ; Fong, Ed
<mailto:EFong@SDGE.com< ; Freeman, Kimberly <mailto:KFreeman@sempra.com< ;
Gaines, Mark - TPMFG <mailto:MGaines@socalgas.com< ; Harrigan, James P. -
TP1JPH <mailto:JHarrigan@socalgas.com< ; Hay, James E.
<mailto:JHay@sempra.com< ; Hubbard, Lisa J. <mailto:LJHubbard@sempra.com<
; Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL <mailto:LLorenz@socalgas.com< ; McVay, Nancy W -
TPNWM <mailto:NMcVay@socalgas.com< ; Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM
<mailto:RMorrow@socalgas.com< ; Purves, Ralph A. <mailto:RPurves@SDGE.com<
; Reed, William <mailto:WReed@sempra.com< ; Sakarias, Wayne P.
<mailto:WSakarias@SDGE.com< ; Schavrien, Lee <mailto:LSchavrien@sempra.com<
; Smith, Anne S. - TPASS <mailto:ASmith@sempra.com< ; Sullivan, Glen J.
<mailto:GSullivan@sempra.com< ; Surak, Thomas M. - TP1TMS
<mailto:TSurak@socalgas.com< ; Suwara, J.- TPJUS
<mailto:JSuwara@sempra.com< ; Takemura, Earl - TPEKT
<mailto:ETakemura@socalgas.com< ; Teeter, James S.
<mailto:JTeeter@SDGE.com< ; Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV
<mailto:tp2jxv@socalgas.com< ; Watson, Steven - TP2SAW
<mailto:SWatson@socalgas.com< ; Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW
<mailto:GWright@sempra.com< ; Barker, David - TPDTB
<mailto:DBarker@socalgas.com< ; 'How-Downing, Lindsey'
<mailto:lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com< ; 'Jun, Christine'
<mailto:chj@aelaw.com< ; 'Khoury, Dexter' <mailto:bsl@cpuc.ca.gov< ;
ack@aelaw.com <mailto:ack@aelaw.com< ; Nelson, Eric B. - TPEBN
<mailto:ENelson@socalgas.com< ; Bisi, David - TP1DMB
<mailto:DBisi@socalgas.com< ; Mumford, Joel - TP4JDM
<mailto:JMumford@socalgas.com< ; Tom, Gwoon - TPGYT
<mailto:GTom@socalgas.com< ; Scott, Addis B. <mailto:AScott@SDGE.com<
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: Tom Beach's Prepared Rebuttal Testimony

Attached please find Word and Wordperfect versions of Tom
Beach's draft rebuttal testimony in the Gas OIR proceeding, on behalf of the
Indicated Electric Generators.
I look forward to comments from any of the supporters of the
Comprehensive Settlement.

Tom Beach
<<File: EG Rebuttal Testimony on GIR Settlement.doc<<<<File: EG
Rebuttal Testimony on GIR Settlement.wpd<<