Enron Mail

Subject:Re: GIR Settlement
Date:Mon, 3 Apr 2000 07:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

Andy Skaff is no longer with Crosby, Heafey, Roach and May. Please direct
any email to his new address:



<<< "Susan.Scott@enron.com" 04/03/00 14:47 <<<

Brian: Transwestern Pipeline Company asks that it be included on list of
parties to the Motion for Modification of the Procedural Schedule, with the
following footnote: Transwestern supports the portions of the settlement
proposal pertaining to transmission rights, and the designation of primary
and secondary rights described on Appendix A. Transwestern does not oppose
the other parts of the settlement.

Susan Scott
Transwestern Pipeline Company
(713) 853-0596

'rgloistein@orrick.com'; 'rhc@mrwassoc.com'; 'rliebert@cfbf.com';
'rmccann@cal.net'; 'rnemec@mediaone.net'; 'robertg@greenlining.org';
'Rochman, Michael@CUB'; 'Rochman, Michael@SPURR'; 'Rosmon, Lewis@Tractebel';
'Ross-Leech, Diane@PGE'; 'Roth, Rosalie@Solutions'; 'Roth, Tom@ET';
'rtask@norm.com'; 'salleyoo@dwt.com'; 'scarter@nrdc.org'; 'scohn@SMUD.org';
'Shively, R.@Energynamics'; 'Silva, Larry@Glendale'; 'simonsen@rmi.net';
'Skaff, Andy@Dynegy'; 'sneiman483@aol.com'; 'Soong, Gwen@IGS';
'sscott3@enron.com'; 'stomashe@energy.state.ca.us'; 'Stout, M.@sempra-slns';
'Sullivan, Catherine@Southernenergy'; 'Sutton, J.C.@scana'; 'Sweeney,
Richard@CVernon'; 'tbeach@vdn.com'; 'thompson@wrightlaw.com'; 'Tisdale,
Roger@Occidental'; 'toca@compuserve.com'; 'tomb@crossborderenergy,com';
'vhconsult@earthlink.net'; 'ward@phaser.com'; 'Weil, James@Aglet'; 'Wesson,
Parks@Astra'; 'whited@paceresources.com'; 'Wood, Bill@CEC'; 'Wraff@adnc.com';
'Wright, Elizabeth@LB'; 'Yap, Cathy E.'; 'Yu, Peter'; 'Zaiontz, Jean@BP';
'Zanaboni, Kathy@RES'

Cc:???? Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM; Sullivan, Glen J.; Follett, B. David - TPDBF;
Wright, Gillian - TP1GXW; Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH; Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL;
Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV; Brill, Thomas R.; Sakarias, Wayne P.; Purves, Ralph
A.; Nilarp, Margarita - TP3MXM; Angeles, Zenee G. - TPZGA; Watson, Steven -
TP2SAW; Betonte, Robert - TP2RSB; Reed, William; Schavrien, Lee; Lorenz, Lad
- TPLPL; Watson, Steven - TP2SAW

Subject:??????? RE: GIR Settlement

Later today, SoCalGas and the parties supporting a comprehensive capacity
settlement will file a motion with the Commission that will include the
capacity (and perhaps the retail term sheet) that was forwarded to most of
you Friday evening.? The motion will ask the Commission for some additional
time to file a detailed, written settlement document.? The term sheet that
will be filed with the motion will not include an Appendix A, SoCalGas'
proposal for primary and secondary receipt point access.?? Parties are still
formulating language on these receipt point issues and those matters will be
finalized with the final settlement document.