Enron Mail

To:hayley@turn.org, alan_reid@pcp.ca, alb@cpuc.ca.gov, andy.bettwy@swgas.com,aod@newsdata.com, askaff@energy-law-group.com, bcragg@gmssr.com, bho@cpuc.ca.gov, bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us, burkee@cts.com, bwood@energy.state.ca.us, ceyap@earthlink.net, chilen
Subject:RE: I.99-07-003
Date:Wed, 17 May 2000 05:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

Judge Biren has asked me to convey the following information to the service
list in this proceeding:

In addition to TURN's motion (as circulated by TURN's email on Monday, May
15) to compel SoCalGas to answer portions of TURN's data request dated
April 27, 2000, the Southern California Generation Coalition has indicated
to the ALJ its intent to file a motion to compel SoCalGas to answer the same
questions asked by TURN. SCGC has said it probably will seek to compel
SoCalGas to answer all questions originally asked by TURN, including those
questions that TURN's motion did not seek to compel SoCalGas to answer.
SCGC has said it will try to file this motion today or tomorrow. Counsel
for SCGC has informed me that he does not intend to file a motion to compel
answers to these questions by any other parties.

Counsel for TURN has informed me that it does not intend to file a motion to
compel other parties to whom it sent its April 27 data request to answer any
of those questions, but that TURN is not now willing to waive any right to
file such a motion.

The ALJ has stated her intent to rule on the TURN motion and the expected
SCGC motion at the PHC on Thurs. May 25. SoCalGas has agreed to file a
written response by Tues. May 23, as TURN had proposed. The ALJ does not
intend to issue a formal, written ruling shortening time to respond to the
motions, but wants to be sure parties understand her intent on how she will
proceed in resolving this matter.

-- Glen Sullivan
Sempra Energy Law Dept.
tel: (619) 699-5162
email: gsullivan@sempra.com
Attorney for SoCalGas and SDG&E