Enron Mail

To:jeffery.fawcett@enron.com, bcherry@sempra.com
Subject:RE: Transwestern GIR Testimony
Cc:tomb@crossborderenergy.com, counihan@greenmountain.com, paulamirault@aec.ca,mday@gmssr.com, alexanms@sce.com, rochmanm@spurr.org, rmp@cpuc.ca.gov, kmccrea@sablaw.com, jleslie@luce.com, johnj@bcjlaw.com, jmpa@dynegy.com, jdasovic@enron.com, rfoss@cor
Bcc:tomb@crossborderenergy.com, counihan@greenmountain.com, paulamirault@aec.ca,mday@gmssr.com, alexanms@sce.com, rochmanm@spurr.org, rmp@cpuc.ca.gov, kmccrea@sablaw.com, jleslie@luce.com, johnj@bcjlaw.com, jmpa@dynegy.com, jdasovic@enron.com, rfoss@cor
Date:Mon, 1 May 2000 04:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

To Jeff and all of the others submitting testimony.? My original thinking was
that witnesses would forward testimony to me so that I could compile it for
filing on Friday in the form of various "chapters" in support of the
comprehensive settlement.? However, I anticipated that we would be reviewing
and finalizing the second draft of testimony tomorrow. Because we have fallen
behind schedule, I do not think it will be logistically possible to adhere to
our previous plan and do the last minute revisions that will also
(inevitably) take place.? Therefore, I would like all of you to file your
testimony separately in a standardized format.? After it is filed, we can
then arrange it in "order" for the ALJ by the next PHC.? If we can get enough
draft testimonies review soon, we can identify the various testimonies with
chapter numbers even though we will still file them separately.

I would like to see the testimony drafted in Word for Windows, or at least
something convertible into Word for Windows.? The testimony should be on
pleading paper, be in the narrative format (for those of you who have already
done it FERC-style Q&A, that's OK), with witness qualifications and bio
starting off the introduction.? Let's keep the format Times New Roman, 12
point, spaced 1 1/2 lines.? Please make certain that each testimony has the
pages numbered.? The testimony should read, "The Prepared Direct Testimony of
xxxxxxxxx on Behalf of xxxxxxxx in Support of the Comprehensive Settlement

For those of you who have not circulated testimony yet, please try and wrap
it up quickly and circulate it for review.? Thanks for your patience.