Enron Mail

Subject:RE: revised testimony
Date:Thu, 27 Apr 2000 07:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

Susan, looks great. I have a few suggestions ; simple words and
format. We can review tommorrow. The only area I saw that we did
not address, I think we should is the Item 7 (secondary transmission)
market. The Commission is focused on this area of in state develop
ment, we should take advantage. I will be faxing copies of
previow testimony for your background and use in our testimony.

Thx, Mark IGS

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Susan.Scott@enron.com [mailto:Susan.Scott@enron.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 4:02 PM
< To: mbaldwin@igservice.com
< Cc: Jeffery.Fawcett@enron.com
< Subject: revised testimony
< OK, this is starting to take shape. I handed off a copy to Jeff today;
< he'll review it this evening. Your comments are welcome at any
< time. I'll
< be in all day tomorrow; I am planning to be out of the office Friday but
< may need to come in early a.m. to put the finishing touches on the 1st
< draft we send to the group. To the extent you can provide testimony
< references before that time, that would be great.
< (See attached file: JCF direct testimony.doc)
< Re. today's e-mails from the other parties: We're OK with PG&E's addition
< to the settlement. I am not wild about it since it isn't exactly
< consistent with how other points are treated. But, this is a settlement
< after all. And I think it is better to do what we can to get PG&E on
< board. I'll send an e-mail out tomorrow once we see who else is on the
< bandwagon.
< On Kern's proposal: Subject to seeing something in writing, Transwestern
< will agree to the proposal I believe you and Jeff discussed yesterday. We
< will at least agree not to oppose Kern, or to support them on a limited
< basis. Give me a call tomorrow (713-853-0596) and let's make sure we're
< all on the same page (Dasovich is going to call you also).
< Muchas gracias y hasta manana.
< S.