Enron Mail

To:abb@eslawfirm.com, agoldberg@lgl.twc.com, ahuertas@enron.co.uk,alan_reid@pancanadian.ca, alexanms@sce.com, andy.bettwy@swgas.com, anikat@greenlining.org, ascott@sdge.com, atrowbridge@dbsr.com, bbrunel@smud.org, bcherry@sempra.com, bcope@ci.redding.ca.
Subject:Shrinkage Allowance Reduction
Date:Fri, 30 Jun 2000 06:57:00 -0700 (PDT)

To: OII Agreement Settling Parties

Attached for your review and comment is a draft advice filing in
which PG&E proposes to reduce the in-kind shrinkage allowances for on-system
transmission and distribution service to the level proposed in PG&E's 2000
Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding (BCAP). PG&E's current adopted
shrinkage allowances require customers to deliver more in-kind shrinkage gas
than is actually needed on PG&E's pipeline system. Reducing shrinkage
allowances to the proposed levels in PG&E's 2000 BCAP will more accurately
reflect currently projected customer usage. PG&E is requesting your review
and support of this adjustment to shrinkage allowances. October 1, 2000, is
the target implementation date.

PG&E is continuing to study ways to better manage shrinkage on its
system. For this purpose, PG&E is examining the mechanisms used by other
pipelines. If the Company determines that further proposals should be
implemented, such as a true-up mechanism to adjust for the over- and
under-collection of shrinkage that has occurred since the beginning of the
Gas Accord, or which may occur in the future, it may file for such proposals
through a separate mechanism. As with this filing, PG&E will seek your
input prior to making any official advice filing.

Please provide any comments on the attached no later than Friday,
July 7, 2000, to Ms. Cynthia Crane by e-mail at CMC5@PGE.com or in writing
to PG&E, Mail Code N15A, P.O. Box 770000, San Francisco, CA 94177. If
comments are favorable, PG&E will file this advice filing the third week of
July with a proposed implementation date of October 1, 2000. Please contact
Ms. Cynthia Crane at (415) 973-5809 if you have any questions.


Dan Thomas
Manager, California Gas Transmission


- ALShrinkage_LTR.doc