Enron Mail

Subject:American Airlines Net SAAver Fares
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 22:38:38 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Susan Scott,
Today's American Airlines Domestic & International Net SAAver Weekend=20
Getaway Fares e-mail offer is valid for travel next weekend.
Domestic Departure dates: November 2 - 3, 2001
International Departure dates: November 1 - 2, 2001
Tickets must be purchased by Friday, October 26, 2001.
You can find different Domestic Net SAAver Weekend Getaway destinations=20
for this weekend, departing October 26 - 27, 2001. DON'T FORGET,=20
now Net SAAvers mean more than just special weekend fares. Remember=20
to check our "Net SAAver and Special Offers" page often for details=20
on all of our other special fares and offers at:
You can also find additional savings for travel this weekend using=20
TWA's great Dot Com Deals(R). See roundtrip examples below:
Fare Coach Class From: To:
---- ---------------- ---------------- =20
$ 69 St. Louis, MO (STL) Cedar Rapids, IA (CID)
$ 79 St. Louis, MO (STL) Dayton, OH (DAY)
$ 69 St. Louis, MO (STL) Springfield, MO (SGF)
$169 St. Louis, MO (STL) Orange County, CA (SNA)
For a complete listing of fares and details on related rules and=20
restrictions, go to =20
American Airlines Travel Information
Visit AA.com Online Travel Information Center for the latest information=20
to assist with your travel planning. You will find current flight=20
schedules, gates and times information, and the most recent travel=20
policy changes. Just visit:=20
In this Issue:
1. American Airlines Domestic Weekend Getaway Fares
2. American Airlines International Weekend Getaway Fares
3. AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards
4. Other - Vacation Packages
5. Additional Rules and Restrictions
6. Subscribe/Unsubscribe Information
1. American Airlines Domestic Weekend Getaway Fares
Coach Class Travel
Fare Coach Class From: To:
---- ---------------- ---------------- =20
$229 Boston, MA (BOS) San Francisco, CA (SFO) =20
$ 79 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Columbus, OH (CMH) #
$149 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) El Paso, TX (ELP) =20
$119 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Huntsville, AL (HSV) #
$ 69 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Indianapolis, IN (IND) #
$ 69 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) La Crosse, WI (LSE) #
$119 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Providence, RI (PVD) =20
$ 79 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Rochester, MN (RST)
$169 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Seattle, WA (SEA) =20
$ 69 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Toledo, OH (TOL) #
$149 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) =20
$ 79 Columbus, OH (CMH) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #
$129 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Greensboro, NC (GSO) =20
$149 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Long Beach, CA (LGB) =20
$119 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Louisville, KY (SDF) =20
$129 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Milwaukee, WI (MKE) #
$149 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Richmond, VA (RIC) =20
$119 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Tucson, AZ (TUS) =20
$ 69 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Tulsa, OK (TUL) ?$149 El Paso, T=
X (ELP) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? ?$129 Greensboro, NC =
(GSO) Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) ?$119 Huntsville, AL (HS=
V) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?$ 69 Indianapolis, IN (IND) =
Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?$ 69 La Crosse, WI (LSE) =
Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?$149 Long Beach, CA (LGB) Dal=
las/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) ?$ 79 Los Angeles, CA (LAX) San Jos=
e, CA (SJC) ?$119 Louisville, KY (SDF) Dallas/Ft. Worth, T=
X (DFW) ?$129 Milwaukee, WI (MKE) Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (=
DFW) #?$119 New Orleans, LA (MSY) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) =
?$149 New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA) Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) ?$1=
49 New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA) West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) ?$119 P=
rovidence, RI (PVD) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? ?$149 Richmo=
nd, VA (RIC) Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) ?$ 79 Rochester,=
MN (RST) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) ?$229 San Francisco, C=
A (SFO) Boston, MA (BOS) ?$ 79 San Jose, CA (SJC) =
Los Angeles, CA (LAX)? ?$169 Seattle, WA (SEA) Chic=
ago O'Hare, IL (ORD) ?$ 69 Toledo, OH (TOL) Chicago O'=
Hare, IL (ORD) #?$119 Tucson, AZ (TUS) Dallas/Ft. Worth=
, TX (DFW)? ?$ 69 Tulsa, OK (TUL) Dallas/Ft. Worth, T=
X (DFW) =20
$149 West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) =20
$149 West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA) =20
# American Eagle service=20
A portion of travel may be on American Eagle service?---------------------=
--------------?Travel Dates and Times for Weekend Getaway Fares:?- Depart F=
riday, November 2, 2001 on or after 7:00 p.m. or anytime on? Saturday, Nov=
ember 3, 2001?- Return anytime the following Monday, November 5, 2001 or? =
Tuesday, November 6, 2001?- Friday evening travel may not be available in a=
ll markets?- Tickets must be purchased no later than this Friday, October 2=
6, 2001,? 12:00 midnight (CT)?-----------------------------------?How to B=
ook Net SAAver Fares?Net SAAver Fares are now available on the Web at AA.co=
m.?To book, login to AA.com with your AAdvantage number and PIN by ?clickin=
g:? http://www.aa.com/netsaaver ?**************************************=
**********************?2. American Airlines International Weekend Getaway F=
ares?Coach Class Travel?R/T?Fare Coach Class From: To:?---=
- ---------------- ---------------- ?$229 Bost=
on, MA (BOS) London Heathrow, UK (LHR) ?$249 Boston, M=
A (BOS) Paris De Gaulle, France (CDG) ?$299 Chicago O'=
Hare, IL (ORD) Brussels, Belgium (BRU) ?$299 Chicago O'Hare, I=
L (ORD) Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) ?$279 Chicago O'Hare, IL (OR=
D) London Heathrow, UK (LHR) ?$199 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) =
Acapulco, Mexico (ACA) ?$285 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Be=
lize City, Belize (BZE) ?$379 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Caracas=
, Venezuela (CCS) ?$229 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Leon, Mexico =
(BJX) ?$329 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Paris De Gaulle, France =
(CDG) ?$549 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Santiago, Chile (SCL) ?=
$499 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU) ?$319 D=
allas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Zurich, Switzerland (ZRH) ?$ 79 Fort L=
auderdale, FL (FLL) Nassau, Bahamas (NAS) #?$349 Los Angeles, CA=
(LAX) London Heathrow, UK (LHR) ?$219 Miami, FL (MIA) =
Antigua, Antigua (ANU) ?$299 Miami, FL (MIA) =
Barranquilla, Colombia (BAQ) ?$299 Miami, FL (MIA) =
Bogota, Colombia (BOG) ?$489 Miami, FL (MIA) Buen=
os Aires, Argentina (EZE) ?$299 Miami, FL (MIA) Cali,=
Colombia (CLO) ?$229 Miami, FL (MIA) Caracas, Venezu=
ela (CCS) ?$209 Miami, FL (MIA) Mexico City, Mexico =
(MEX) ?$179 Miami, FL (MIA) Puerto Plata, Dominican Re=
public (POP) ?$319 Miami, FL (MIA) San Salvador, El S=
alvador (SAL) ?$249 Miami, FL (MIA) St. Croix, USVI =
(STX) ?$309 Miami, FL (MIA) Tegucigalpa, Honduras (TG=
U) ?$539 New York Kennedy, NY (JFK) Buenos Aires, Argentina (EZE=
) ?$259 New York Kennedy, NY (JFK) Kingston, Jamaica (KIN) ?$2=
29 New York Kennedy, NY (JFK) London Heathrow, UK (LHR) ?$249 N=
ew York Kennedy, NY (JFK) Montego Bay, Jamaica (MBJ) ?$229 New Y=
ork Kennedy, NY (JFK) Port Au Prince, Haiti (PAP) ?$249 New York=
Kennedy, NY (JFK) San Juan, PR (SJU) ?$539 New York Kennedy, NY=
(JFK) Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU) ?$229 Newark, NJ (EWR) =
London Heathrow, UK (LHR) ?$199 Orlando, FL (MCO) =
San Juan, PR (SJU) ?$289 Raleigh/Durham, NC (RDU) London Gat=
wick, UK (LGW) ?$399 San Jose, CA (SJC) Tokyo Narita, Ja=
pan (NRT) ?$249 San Juan, PR (SJU) Newark, NJ (EWR) ?=
$199 San Juan, PR (SJU) Orlando, FL (MCO) ?$199 San Juan, =
PR (SJU) Tampa, FL (TPA) ?$399 Seattle, WA (SEA) =
Tokyo Narita, Japan (NRT) ?$199 Tampa, FL (TPA) =
San Juan, PR (SJU) ? ? =
?# American Eagle service?-----------------------------------?=
Travel Dates and Times for Weekend Getaway Fares:?- Depart Thursday, Novemb=
er 1, 2001 or Friday, November 2, 2001?- Return anytime the following Monda=
y, November 5, 2001 or? Tuesday, November 6, 2001?- Tickets must be purcha=
sed no later than this Friday, October 26, ? 2001, 12:00 midnight (CT)?---=
--------------------------------?How to Book Net SAAver Fares?Net SAAver Fa=
res are now available on the Web at AA.com.?To book, login to AA.com with y=
our AAdvantage number and PIN by ?clicking:? http://www.aa.com/netsaave=
r ?*******************************************************************?****=
***************************************************************?3. AAdvanta=
ge Net SAAver Awards? Travel On 4,000 AAdvantage Miles!? =
Award travel is closer than you think because now you can claim? AAdvan=
tage Net SAAver Awards for as low as 4,000 AAdvantage miles.? With this =
award reduction, getting away with Net SAAver Awards? =
has never been easier!? See how far your miles can take you. Call AAd=
vantage today.? ? $ 69 destinations are just $39 plus 4,000 miles? $ 79=
destinations are just $39 plus 7,000 miles? $119 destinations are just $=
39 plus 13,000 miles? $129 destinations are just $39 plus 13,000 miles? $=
149 destinations are just $39 plus 13,000 miles? ? ?- Our AAdvantage Net =
SAAver Awards are a great way to use your ? AAdvantage miles to obtain a =
travel award for less mileage. To ? determine the mileage required, compa=
re the fares in this week's ? Domestic Weekend Getaway list with the char=
t above.?- AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards are valid for travel departing ? =
November 2 - 3, 2001 for the markets listed above.?- AAdvantage Net SAAve=
r Awards are not applicable to First/Business ? Class, International or T=
ransborder fares.?- To book your AAdvantage Net SAAver Award trip? call =
AAdvantage toll-free, 800-882-8880.? ?******************************=
******************************?4. Other - Vacation Packages?AA Vacations?SA=
VE Up To 50% In the Caribbean With American Airlines Vacations?4 days/3 nig=
hts from $151* per person, land only, double?occupancy at Condado Plaza Hot=
el & Casino, Puerto Rico.?Now's a great time to visit the Caribbean and rel=
ax in the warm ?Caribbean sun. Choose from a wide variety of Islands and h=
otels ?offering greatly reduced rates! HURRY! These offers are based on ?a=
vailability. ?*For complete details, click below:? http://aavacations.=
com/specials/caribbean_offers.asp ?***********************************?West=
in, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury ?Collection an=
d W Hotels.?From sea to shining sea, with over 300 unique destinations, we'=
ve ?got you covered. See America with Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Stay ?at W=
estin, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury ?Collection=
and W Hotels and take advantage of $49 to $179 weekend ?rates (Thurs-Sun) =
and savings of up to 40% on weekday rates (Mon-Wed) ?from now until January=
27, 2002. To take advantage of these and ?other special rates call 1-877-7=
82-0114 and mention promotion code ?GOUSAADV or book at:? http://www.st=
arwood.com/saaa1 ?***********************************?Hertz(R)? =
Last Minute Specials! ? It's your country. See it.?Save o=
n last-minute travel at your favorite airport destinations ?in the U.S. and=
Canada. Here are just a few of the many Last Minute ?Specials - book by n=
oon 10/29 (ET) and pick up before 11/12/01:?Chicago, IL ORD =
Compact $16.99 Wknd Day?Dallas, TX DFW Compact $14.99 Wkn=
d Day?Los Angeles, CA LAX Compact $15.99 Wknd Day?Philadelphia,=
PA PHL Compact $16.99 Wknd Day?For additional cities and comple=
te details, click below:? http://www2.hertz.com/spec/link.cfm?cp_code=
=3DEM08&cdp_code=3D217692&goto_url=3D/spec/lastminute00/index.html ?*******=
****************************?Marriott Rewards(R)? Buy Three, =
Stay Free This Fall!?Marriott Rewards members earn a free weekend night for=
every three ?weekend nights they stay with Marriott this fall. Just stay =
three ?weekend nights between now and December 23, 2001, and you'll earn ?a=
free weekend-night certificate valid for a future stay at over ?1,900 prop=
erties - up to three free weekend nights! Also, as a ?Marriott Rewards mem=
ber, you'll earn up to three AAdvantage miles ?per US$1 spent at nine Marri=
ott brands. To register and for complete ?terms & conditions, click:? h=
ttps://member.marriottrewards.com/secure/Prmo.asp?PSrc=3DPTAA ?************=
************************************************?5. Additional Rules and Re=
strictions?AA Weekend Getaway Fares Restrictions:?Fares shown do not includ=
e (i) up to a $2.75 USD federal excise?tax, which will be imposed on each f=
light segment of your?itinerary, (ii) local airport charges of up to $18, i=
f applicable,?and, (iii) Canadian taxes of up to $22, if applicable. Intern=
ational ?fares are subject to government approval. Government taxes and fee=
s of ?up to $108 USD, varying by destination, are not included and may vary=
?slightly depending on currency exchange rates at the time of purchase.?Ti=
ckets are nonrefundable and must be purchased at the time the?reservation i=
s made. Prior to departure, changes to your ticket may?be made if you pay =
up to a $100 USD change fee and meet the restrictions?applicable to the new=
fare. Seats are limited. Fares may not be?available on all flights and ar=
e subject to change without notice.?All or a portion of your travel may be =
on American Eagle,?American's regional airline associate. Other restriction=
s?apply, click on one of the links below, or go tohttp://www.aa.com/netsaav=
er for more information.? http://www.aa.com/domnsrules ? http://ww=
w.aa.com/intlnsrules ?Net SAAver Fares is a trademark and American Airlines=
and?American Eagle are registered trademarks of American Airlines, Inc.?**=
**********************************************************?6. Subscribe / U=
nsubscribe Instructions?This email has been sent to SSCOTT5@ENRON.COM ?If y=
ou choose not to receive Net SAAver Weekend Getaway Fares messages, or if y=
ou would like to change your e-mail address, please visit: http://www.aa.co=
m=3D ?This is a post only e-mail. Please do not reply to this message. Fo=
r all inquires, go to www.aa.com/contactaa or send an email to webmaster@im=
.aa.com. ?011023prvdom&int?Message-Id: <20011023003838.E4AA.1203254-12575@i=
nfo.aa.com<? [IMAGE]