Enron Mail

Subject:One-Day, Internet-Only Sale
Date:Wed, 20 Mar 2002 20:05:43 -0800 (PST)

Spring Sale Take advantage of great low fares for travel this Sp=
ring with fares starting at $78 roundtrip. Travel is valid throughout the =
America West system including destinations in the US and Canada. HURRY! -=
These low fares are only available online and must be purchased by 9:00pm,=
PST, Thursday, March 21, 2002. Below is just a sample of some o=
f the great fares available. For a complete list of destinations available =
from your hometown, visit americawest.com and use our Fare Sale by City =
feature. Roundtrip Fare Between And $78 Las Vegas, NVSan Diego, C=
A $78 Phoenix, AZLos Angeles, CA $98* Vancouver, BCPhiladelphia, PA $1=
30 Newark, NJOrlando, FL $178 Spokane, WASan Diego, CA $198 Albuquerqu=
e, NMBoise, ID $198 El Paso, TXSeattle, WA $198 Phoenix, AZBaltimore, M=
D $198* Toronto, OTPhoenix, AZ $258 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TXOrange/Santa An=
a, CA $258 Ft. Lauderdale, FLLos Angeles, CA $268 New York, NY (JFK)Las=
Vegas, NV $278 Atlanta, GASacramento, CA $278 Denver, COTucson, AZ $2=
78 Newark, NJSan Francisco, CA Make a Reservation * Fares quoted are U=
S$ Terms and Conditions: Purchase Ticket By: Travel Period: Day/Time R=
estrictions: Travel On: Purchased Through: Ticket Refundability: Itinerary =
Changes: Minimum Stay: Black Out Dates: Routing: Other Discounts: Seat Inv=
entory: Federal Excise Tax: U.S. Security Fee: Passenger Facility Charges:=
Federal International Taxes: Thursday, 3/21/02, 9:00pm PST Friday, 4/5/=
02 through Friday, 6/14/02 Travel must be between 12:00 noon Monday through=
12:00 noon Thursday Flights operated by America West and America West Expr=
ess americawest.com Non- refundable Subject to fare availability, $100 chan=
ge fee, and difference in fare if applicable Saturday night (2 nights: Las =
Vegas, Reno, Aspen, Grand Junction, Montrose, Teluride, Durango) None Round=
trip only Not combinable with any other discount Limited - subject to avai=
lability $3.00 per flight segment. A flight segment is defined as a take of=
f and landing $2.50 per flight segment (maximum $10 per roundtrip) Up to $2=
0 per person, depending on itinerary To/from Canada: 7.5% US international =
tax charged on arrival and departure from US (based on itinerary) and $6 U=
S immigration fee. NAVCAN surcharge of 7% of the base fare. An additional C=
AD$10.00 Vancouver Airport Improvement Tax is applicable when departing fro=
m Vancouver, BC You have received this message because you subscribe=
d to the Surf'n Go messaging service at americawest.com. To unsubscribe =
to this service use the email address shown below. This email was sent to=
: sscott5@enron.com =09