Enron Mail

Subject:RE: NCL Meeting - Monday, March 25th
Cc:cvotaw@yahoo.com, maryrebecca.harp@reliant.com,stacey.e.rozzell@us.arthurandersen.com
Bcc:cvotaw@yahoo.com, maryrebecca.harp@reliant.com,stacey.e.rozzell@us.arthurandersen.com
Date:Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:26:09 -0800 (PST)

One more thing, if you are unable to attend the meeting you need to email
either Courtney Votaw (cvotaw@yahoo.com) or Stacey Rozell
(stacey.e.rozzell@us.authuranderson.com) by next Friday, March 22nd.

If you notify Courtney/Stacey it will count as an excused absence (you get 3
a year, I think), but if you don't, it will count as an unexcused absence.

Let me know if you have any questions...


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Wherry, Beth
< Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 10:48 AM
< To: 'allison.furr@ey.com'; 'amanda_callaway@hchd.tmc.edu';
< 'autumn_hugo@bmc.com'; 'bhouston@kpmg.com'; 'britt.davis@gwl.com';
< 'brooke.shuford@usoncology.com'; 'chmintner@hotmail.com';
< 'jenmoore19@yahoo.com'; 'jenniferwingo@hotmail.com';
< 'jennylivesay@hotmail.com'; 'jocelyngrisham@hotmail.com';
< 'ksteinbrueck@apqc.org'; 'kblivesay@yahoo.com'; 'libbie.woolsey@scgo.com';
< 'lebuckley@tmh.tmc.edu'; 'marcie.watson@ey.com';
< 'megriffin77@hotmail.com'; 'mary.b.green@am.pnu.com';
< 'nannadiaz@hotmail.com'; 'morrm@hotmail.com';
< 'stephanie_withers@hotmail.com'; 'sunny.mcmillan@bakerbotts.com';
< 'susan.m.scott@enron.com'; 'tarahoyt@aol.com'; 'tracey.reilly@enform.com'
< Cc: 'cvotaw@yahoo.com'; 'maryrebecca.harp@reliant.com'
< Subject: NCL Meeting - Monday, March 25th
< Importance: High
< New NCL Juniors,
< Our first meeting of the year will be held Monday, March 25th from 7pm-8pm
< at:
< St. Luke's UMC, Room B143 (The Parlor)
< 3471 Westheimer at Edloe
< Houston, TX 77027
< (713)-622-5710
< I'm in the process of adding you all to our Yahoo! Calendar, so you should
< be receiving a meeting reminder next week. All future meeting times will
< be sent to you through our NCL Juniors Yahoo! Calendar.
< See everyone on the 25th!
< Beth Wherry
< Continental Airlines, Inc.
< Sr. Analyst, Corporate Programs
< * Work: (713) 324-9722
< * Fax: (713) 324-6378
< * Email: bwherr@coair.com