Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:05:30 -0700 (PDT)

from what i hear, her high rise appt is pretty much the reason for the
season, so to speak.....although she did sound a bit inspired about the
possibility of doing some buying work in the silver dept, which would
involve trips to the orient. all this is second hand of course- was severly
hung over when niki talked to her on sun after the party. i was a shameful
girl sat night- although i inflicted damage on no one but myself. had mini
pms-induced temper tantrum/self-pity party at the bar w/ niki, her friend,
nima and wenus, then wandered off to catch the night bus at trafalger
square....needless to say, was so drunk i passed out on the bus, and slept
waaaaaaay past my stop, ending up somewhere in acton- the equiv of living in
lakewood, then waking up in hempstead. had 3 pounds to my name, no money on
houston acct to pulse $ out, and at 4 am, not too many cabs haunting the
gangster area of acton.....was a pitiful scene. had to bribe a mini cab to
drop me off as close to ladbrok grove as 3 pounds would take me, then
hobbled home about 3 miles in heels, whiney and drunk. very sad. no
matter. am almost done w/ dreaded paper!
well, maybe it is time for susan to explore new territories. am pretty damn
sure there are other alternatives to enron in the seattle area that offer
job description close to what you're doing or want to do. enron is not the
only game in town- and shouldn't hold you back from having new experineces
or making inspired decisions. could warrant some research. keep me posted.
back to smae old, same old.....chat soon- will try to call after finish said
paper later tonight.

<From: Susan.M.Scott@enron.com
<To: ehillegeist@hotmail.com
<Subject: RE:
<Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:49:13 -0500
<Good luck with the paper...I know how inspired you get when deadlines start
<approaching, so I'm sure it'll be fabulous. Sorry about the pulled muscle.
<What exactly does that do to the marathon plans? Will you be able to
<compete still, or are you just going to hit all the wine stops now?
<I think you're right about Katy's move to Dallas. I have a feeling she's
<actually going to really like being there and working. I pretty sure the
<folks are still helping out with living expenses, etc. so she won't have to
<make too big of an adjustment right off the bat.
<As for me, Seattle could definitely be a destination but it would require a
<job change. Enron doesn't have any offices up there. The closest office
<is Portland and for obvious and now unavoidable reasons I don't see a move
<there any time soon. You are right about not being able to go wrong with a
<place possessing Austin-like qualities...they are highly desirable.
<I will most certainly try to keep the September date open...it would be
<great to see Britney and Arden. We had Susan E.'s bachelorette party
<Saturday night (plus a bridal shower earlier that day). Lisa hosted Laura
<White's at the apartment the same night. I got to see and visit with Jenny
<Kenair (sp?), Janie Pitman, Rachel Pack among others. Very interesting.
<The two bachelorette parties met up at Black Swan for late night dancing.
<Lis was in rare form. I knew it was bad when she ran up and started
<hugging me....I think she almost crushed Susan and Kelly. Anyway, it was
<actually pretty fun and I've decided I really like Susan's sister
<Betsy...good sense of humor and not at all be-boppy. I did manage to trick
<her into doing the V-I-C-T-O-R-Y cheer at Black Swan though. I thought it
<was pretty darn funny myself...she was mortified when she realized I'd got
<her to do a cheer.
<Once again...best of luck banging out your opus. Talk to you soon.
<If you're looking to procrastinate a little this evening you can give me a
<buzz on my cell. I'd try calling 5 pm or after.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Emily Hillegeist" <ehillegeist@hotmail.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 5:25 PM
< To: sscott5@enron.com
< Subject:
< glad the trip was so smashing. am pouting rt now b/c have to finish
< next
< law paper by tues- while evryone else travels. liz and kerrie are in
< stockholm, mom and dad in colorado...me stuck, w/ pulled groin muscle,
< and
< am hobbling around like a circus freak. sounds like kates is off to
< dallas.
< think she's definitely ready for a chge of scenery. and she's waited
< long
< enough! would seattle be a potential destination? could you do your
< same
< job there? i guess so. could be really fab- i'm up for anyone from
< grp
< offering alternative vacation destinations. everyone always raves
< seattle- isn't that were the begining of the ashley judd film double
< jeopardy takes place? gorgeous! plus, if it has austin-like
< how
< could you go wrong? like kates, you may be in need of a chge of
< scenery-
< even if it were just for a yr or so.....what will prob happen is kates
< will
< move to dallas, you'll move to seattle, and the next day i'll be
< curator position or dream art law job in houston starting at about $
< 100,000+......then it will be me and the marrieds alone, stuck in
< houston!
< NB kitchen has been totally renovated- mom said it looks totally
< different,
< but can't really imagine it. may be meeting brit and arden in NB sept
< 15-
< save the date just in case it becomes a big party..... ok, am off.
< rented
< the house of mirth...again. i really liked it for some reason....ok,
< chat
< soon-
< e
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